Monday, November 30, 2015
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Friday, November 27, 2015
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Monday, November 23, 2015
John Waldemar Dehlin and Paul Paulsen Dehlin ~~~ taken from Brigham Young University Religious Studies Center
Legacy of Sacrifice: Missionaries to Scandinavia, 1872–94
John Waldemar Dehlin
Residence: Mount Pleasant, Sanpete Co., Utah
Arrival date in Copenhagen: 6 June 1892
Missionary labors: Skåne and Stockholm conferences
Departure date from Copenhagen: 19 July 1894
Name of departure ship: Rona
Birth date: 23 April 1868
Birthplace: Mount Pleasant, Sanpete Co., Utah
Father: Dehlin, Paul Paulsen
Mother: Waldemar, Elna
Spouse: Taylor, Blanche Hortense
Marriage date: 25 November 1896
Marriage place: Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., Utah
Death date: 20 November 1934
Death place: Glen Canyon, Kane Co., Utah
Burial place: Glen Canyon, Kane Co., Utah
John’s parents joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and immigrated to the United States in 1863. They were living in Mount Pleasant, Sanpete County, where John was born. He was blessed as a child on 4 June 1868 and was baptized a member of the Church in 1876.
John accepted a mission call to Scandinavia in 1892. He arrived in Copenhagen on 6 June 1892 and was assigned to labor in the SkÃ¥ne and Stockholm conferences. These conferences covered the same area in which his father had served thirty years before. Unlike his father, John was a talented musician and shared his violin playing on many occasions on this mission. After completing an honorable mission, he departed from Copenhagen on 19 July 1894 aboard the steamer Rona (see Jenson, History of the Scandinavian Mission, 328–29, 337).
After John returned from his mission, he rented a home at 227 North 600 West. He worked as a warehouseman for a time in Salt Lake City. He died in 1934 at Glen Canyon, Kane County, Utah, at age sixty-six.
Paul Paulsen Dehlin
(PÃ¥hl Ã…kesson)
Residence: Mount Pleasant, Sanpete Co., Utah
Arrival date in Copenhagen: 6 May 1871
Missionary labors: Skåne Conference
Departure date from Copenhagen: 27 June 1873
Name of departure ship: Pacific
Birth date: 4 May 1830
Birthplace: Trä #3, Norrvidinge, Malmöhus, Sweden
Father: Pedrillo, Ã…ke PÃ¥hlsson
Mother: Jönsdotter, Anna
Spouse: Waldemar, Elna
Marriage date: 1859
Marriage place: Mount Pleasant, Sanpete Co., Utah
Spouse: Hansen, Julia Sarah Marie
Marriage date: 28 March 1870
Death date: 6 June 1875
Death place: Mount Pleasant, Sanpete Co., Utah
Burial place: Mount Pleasant City Cemetery, Mount Pleasant, Sanpete Co., Utah
As a young man, Paul learned the cabinetmaking and masonry trades. He gained employment as a journeyman, contractor, and builder in Malmöhus, Sweden, before hearing Mormon missionaries preach. Paul accepted their teachings and was baptized in 1855 by Niels Adler. He was the first member of his family to join the Church and was instrumental in the conversion of three of his sisters and his mother. He served a local mission in Sweden and was jailed for preaching the gospel in his homeland before he sailed to America in 1859 (see Hampshire, “Paul Paulsen Dehlin—Biographical Sketch,” 1).
He and his wife Elna sold their jewelry to purchase a wagon and an ox team to cross the plains with the Robert F. Nelsen company. They and their children, her parents, two brothers, and one sister made the arduous journey to the Salt Lake Valley, arriving on 15 September 1859. They settled in Mount Pleasant, Sanpete County, where Paul opened the largest furniture business outside of Salt Lake City. He proved to be a good businessman and became a member of the city council and director of the Mount Pleasant Co-op (see Hampshire, “Paul Paulsen Dehlin—Biographical Sketch,” 1).
In 1871, Paul accepted a mission call to Scandinavia to preside over the SkÃ¥ne Conference. On the mission he contracted smallpox. His daughter wrote that he was “a solid mass from head to foot, and when the mass peeled off[,] all of the hair on his head came off with it, leaving him entirely bald.” President Peterson forbade anyone to see him except two people whom he had set apart to take care of him. They never contracted the disease, but someone else who visited caught the dreaded illness and died. Despite his bout with smallpox, Paul served a successful two-year mission in which he said he “never felt better in his life” (Hampshire, “Paul Paulsen Dehlin—Biographical Sketch,” 2).
He sailed from Copenhagen on 27 June 1873 aboard the steamer Pacific to England. From England he voyaged on the Wisconsin to the United States. He arrived in New York Harbor on 15 July 1873 and at his home in Mount Pleasant on 24 July 1873. After being home for nearly two years, he contracted typhoid fever. Paul died on 6 June 1875 at age forty-five. He is remembered by his posterity as “being loved by all and . . . generous with those in need” (Hampshire, “Paul Paulsen Dehlin—Biographical Sketch,” 1–4).
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Life History of Peter M Jensen as told to Grandson Ted Leroy Poulsen
I was born in (near) Aarhus, Denmark in a small town called Bering
Jutland, August 17, 1850, son of Mads and Maren Heidman Jensen.
I was second eldest of a family of eight children, 7 boys and 1 girl,
my sister being the oldest.
At the age of 1 1/2 or 2 years, I was taken by my father’s sister to
raise as she and her husband had no children. Their name was
Petersen, and as they were pretty well to do, I had anything I wanted
and was raised as a pet. When I was behaving wrong, they would
threaten to send me back to my father and mother. Being very
young, I thought that would be some sort of punishment. So, I feared
the name of father and mother, the same as children of today fear the
“boogey man.”
When I was 6 years old, I was taken from my aunt by my father and
a missionary of the Mormon faith. They came for me while my uncle
was busy in the fields, or I don’t think they would have taken me,
because my Aunt had raised me from infancy and had become quite
attached to me. My father though had been baptized into the
Mormon Church and was preparing to sail for America and wanted
all his family with him.
We sailed from Denmark to Grimsby, England and from there we
took a train to Liverpool, England sometime in the spring of 1857.
We stayed in Liverpool just long enough so I could understand the
English Language. From Liverpool we sailed for America. After
being on the ocean 9 weeks and 4 days, we landed in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania. I saw my first street cars in Philadelphia, they were
pulled by mules. We took the train from Philadelphia to the place
where the Handcart Company (Christian Christiansen Handcart
Company) started. Being only 6 years old, I forgot the name of the
place and the name of the Handcart Company. I rode a stick horse,
which is the same as walking clear across the plains with the
exception of about 3 miles. There were 6 in our family coming across
the Plains including my parents.
While coming through Nebraska, I went to a farm house to get some
milk for my sick baby brother. The owner of the farm wanted to buy
me from my father. He offered $200.00 in gold, and I was wishing
father would sell me, but he refused. Here I saw for the first time a
$20.00 gold piece. We had many hardships and our food was very
simple and limited. To make things worse, mother was very sick
nearly all the way. While we were camped in Emigration Canyon
east of Salt Lake City, some wagons came out of Salt Lake to meet
us. They had clothing and food stuff. I especially remember the
freshly baked buns, they were so good and such a contrast to the
hard biscuits we were used to eating coming across the plains, that I
looked up at father and said, “Father, now we are in Zion.”
Our Handcart Company arrived in Salt Lake on September 13,
1857—I was now 7 years old. We stayed in Salt Lake that winter
where I attended school. In the spring of 1858, we moved to Goshen,
Utah and lived in the old mud fort. We stayed here until April 1862
when we moved to Mount Pleasant, Utah where we engaged in
farming. I attended school when possible during the winter. But
being able to attend only part time, my education consisted of only
reading and elementary arithmetic. During the Indian War in 1866, I
volunteered to carry a message to Fountain Green, Utah. I was shot
at from ambush supposedly by an Indian. Although I didn’t see him,
the message was probably something about the Indians who were
harassing every settlement at that time. Father and I joined the
Minute Company in 1867 who were in readiness at all time for any
Indian outbreak, besides guarding the livestock of Mount Pleasant,
I went to Salt Lake in 1868 after the Indian troubles were over, and
secured a job on the first railroad, Union Pacific in Echo Canyon. I
also worked in Weber Canyon on the same railroad. In December of
1868, I came home with $100.00 of which I paid my first tithing,
$10.00. Due to trouble with my father, in the spring of 1869 I went to
Ogden, Utah and worked on both the Union Pacific and Central
Pacific railroads, which were running side by side. I worked on the
Promontory and couldn’t collect $200.00 due me, so I quit. I went
back to Salt Lake and went to work hauling lumber from Mill “D”
in Cottonwood Canyon into Salt Lake. In the month of December
1869 I went to work for Bishop Kesler of the 16th Ward west of Salt
Lake on his farm for $5.00 per month with board, washing, and
mending. I stayed there until 1871, I got a job from Brigham
Hamilton Young (a nephew of President Young) freighting into East
Canyon. That fall I went to Buhl City, Nevada and went to work
burning charcoal for a smelter. In January of 1872 a pal and I started
working a claim but we couldn’t get finance so quit. We got a
contract with Corrinne Company to sink an incline of 50 feet, We left
for Ely Nevada as soon as we got our pay and got to Ely 7 April
1872. Ely was just a new mining camp, it was two weeks after I got
there before they got mining equipment in there. During the next
three years I worked at Ely both in the mines and smelters. In 1875
the camp started to thin out so I left and went to Hamilton, Nevada
the seat of White Pine County. I was unable to get work here so I
went to Treasure City, on Treasure Hill a short way from Hamilton
where I went to work in an old prospect for a man who was leasing
prospects. In April 1876, I went to work irrigating on a farm in White
River Valley Nevada. That fall I quit and went to Tybo, Nevada and
for the next 3 years I worked in the mines there. Father sent my
brother Jim for me and I came back home in 1879 and on May 8 of
the same year, I married Ann America Truly of Ogden, Utah. Since
then we have resided in Mt. Pleasant, Utah except for a short time in
Manti, Utah where I kept a saloon.
I have herded sheep in Colorado, Idaho, and Utah, and I went to
Arizona and bought a herd of sheep. When I got them home, dogs
got into them and killed nearly all of them and I sold the rest. I was
shot in the right shoulder while in Fergus Springs, Nevada by a
drunk. The bullet narrowly missing a vital artery. I went there to
work a mining claim for my son John. I received a pension for my
participating in the Indian War. I tended bar for awhile when Saloons
were open and later I opened a confectionary of my own and ran it
until 1928 when I retired. Since then, my time has been spent mostly
in gardening.
I am the father of ten children, eight boys and two girls, four of which
died while young, three boys and one girl. In 1933 my wife and I
took a trip to California to visit our son Hugh, we stayed for two
month. Hugh came home with us on July 24th , “Pioneer Day”.
My health has been the a best and I’ve been very active until the last
year or so when a rupture received in early life started bothering me
very much. I have a double rupture now and I am sure that is the
cause of my ailment and failings.
I hereby acknowledge that the above is the true history of my life as I
have related it to my grandson, Ted LeRoy Poulson, eldest son of my
only living daughter, Ruby Jensen Poulson, by assigning my name
on this 12th day of March 1936.
Saturday, November 21, 2015
Christian Jensen 1825–1916 Legacy of Sacrifice: Missionaries to Scandinavia, 1872–94
Christian Jensen Legacy of Sacrifice: Missionaries to Scandinavia, 1872–94
Residence: Mount Pleasant, Sanpete Co., Utah
Arrival date in Copenhagen: 24 September 1878
Missionary labors: Copenhagen Conference
Departure date from Copenhagen: 5 July 1880
Name of departure ship: Leo (Cato)
Birth date: 7 June 1825
Birthplace: Soesmarke, Majbølle, Maribo, Denmark
Father: Hansen, Jens
Mother: Hansdatter, Birthe Marie
Spouse: Pedersen (Jorgensen, Petersen), Karen Marie
Marriage date: 8 October 1856
Marriage place: Spanish Fork, Utah Co., Utah
Spouse: Fredricksen, Anna Kjirstine
Marriage date: 16 April 1902
Death date: 3 August 1916
Death place: Mount Pleasant, Sanpete Co., Utah
Burial place: Mount Pleasant, Sanpete Co., Utah
When Christian was twenty years old, he went to Copenhagen, and for the next eleven years he worked in the palace of King Frederick VII. At that time, he weighed ninety-two pounds and had black curly hair. He courted Karen Marie, a young woman in charge of the palace linens (see History of Sanpete and Emery Counties, Utah, 244).
Karen joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on 28 October 1854. Christian was baptized one week later on 5 November 1854. Christian’s family was upset with his decision to become a Mormon and had a farewell party for him. The following song was composed for Christian at the farewell:
Now it’s time to say goodbye, the clock is striking
You go away and your fate awaits you.
You have told me that your faith so bids,
But Alas! What folly! A fool’s imagination!
Why? I ask, do you go in blindness?
Why leave fatherland and home where you were born
Where faith was given you and
Where love and charity led you onward.
Farewell! Farewell! For the last time you hear the sound
Of your brother who has warned you.
Goodbye! To foreign lands your faith leads you
Farewell from the place where you were raised.
Good luck! Good luck! That is the desire of my heart.
Good luck! May you always eat your bread in peace.
To God I send my hidden thoughts
And think of you now as if you were dead.
Christian left Copenhagen on 29 November 1855. The king was so fond of him and Karen Marie that he gave them one thousand dollars to help defray the expense of immigrating to America. It took Christian and Karen Marie almost ten months to journey from Denmark to the Salt Lake Valley. They crossed the plains in the ox train company of Canute Peterson (seeHistory of Sanpete and Emery Counties, Utah, 244). They arrived the evening of Saturday, 20 September 1856, in the Salt Lake Valley.
Christian married Karen Marie on 8 October 1856 in Spanish Fork, Utah County, Utah. They remained in Spanish Fork for three years before moving to Mount Pleasant, Sanpete County, in 1859. In Mount Pleasant, Christian assisted in building a fort. He and his family lived in the fort until February 1860. It was in this area that he acquired 140 acres and became a prosperous farmer. He was a stockholder in the first co-op store and tannery in Mount Pleasant. He took an active part in the Black Hawk War and fought in the Saline Canyon Battle. For his defense of Latter-day Saints, he was awarded a medal (see Barney, “History of Christian Jensen and His Wife, Karen Marie Petersen,” 1).
On 21 November 1862, he was ordained a seventy and selected as a president of the Sixty-sixth Quorum of the Seventy. He is credited with assisting immigrants to Utah and with being a builder of the St. George Temple (see Barney, “History of Christian Jensen and His Wife, Karen Marie Petersen,” 1).
He was set apart for a mission to Scandinavia on 2 September 1878 by President Joseph F. Smith. On 24 September 1878, he arrived in Copenhagen and was assigned to labor in the Copenhagen Conference. After completing this assignment, he departed from Copenhagen on 5 July 1880 aboard the steamer Cato with 346 emigrating Latter-day Saints ' (see Jenson, History of the Scandinavian Mission, 244).
Returning to Mount Pleasant, he enjoyed planting tulips and poppies. Reputedly he was the first to bring these flowers to the community. He served in the community as a ward teacher and in 1895 as a member of the city council. He remained very active and agile most of his years. At age ninety-one, he was still able to stand on his head. At one point, he was the oldest citizen residing in Mount Pleasant. When the Pioneer Association hosted its annual ball, although he was ninety years old, he led the grand march. He died in 1916 at Brigham City at age ninety-one
(see Barney, “History of Christian Jensen and His Wife, Karen Marie Petersen,” 1).
Friday, November 20, 2015
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
History ~~~Eliza Rebecca Scovil ~~~ 1841-1913

Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Mt. Pleasant Royalty 2016
Peter and I attended the Miss Mt. Pleasant Contest on Friday Night. Our Granddaughter, Mariah was one of the contestants. It was a lovely program. The band was a little loud for our generation, but fit the times of the contestants. Our granddaughter took the first attendant slot. We are so very proud of her. Queen is Julianna Armstrong, and Callie Goble is second attendant.
Congratulations to them all.
Sabrina Johansen was the outgoing Queen and was lovely in all her presentations.
The video that was played showed the outgoing royalty visiting the Blacksmith Shop.
Monday, November 16, 2015
Freedom and Patriotism
If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under.
Do You Remember When?
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Friday, November 13, 2015
$500.00 Recipe
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Waldorf Astoria Dining Room Courtesy of Wikipedia |

I found this recipe in our file yesterday. I had forgotten the story behind
A good friend of Peter's Aunt Phyllis, was able to dine at the Waldorf Astoria. She was so astounded by the salad dressing served that she asked for the recipe. The Waiter smiled and said "I will be happy to get it for you." When she received the bill for their dinner, there was an addition of 500.00 for the recipe.
Apparently, she could not give the recipe back as she had already read it, unaware that she would also be charged for it. So she took it home and decided that if she had paid $500.00 for the recipe, she was going to share it with everyone she knew.
And so, I am going to share our version with you. Only a minor change has been made for copyright purposes
1 can of tomato soup
1 Cup of Wesson oil
1 Tbs of Worcesteshire Sauce
3/4 Cup of Vinegar
1 tsp salt
1 bud of garlic
1 tsp of paprika
1/3 Cup of Sugar
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
National Poppy Day
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Not to be confused with Remembrance Sunday.
Remembrance Day | |
The Cenotaph at Whitehall, London on Remembrance Day 2004
| |
Official name | Remembrance Day |
Also called | Poppy Day |
Observed by | Commonwealth of Nations(except Mozambique) |
Type | International |
Significance | Commemorates Commonwealth war dead |
Observances | Parades, silences |
Date | 11 November |
Next time | 11 November 2015 |
Frequency | annual |
Related to | Armistice Day, Veterans Day,Memorial Day, Anzac Day |
Remembrance Day(also known as Poppy Day) is a memorial day observed inCommonwealth of Nations member states since the end of theFirst World War to remember the members of their armed forces who have died in the line of duty. The day, specifically designated by King George V on 7 November 1919,[1] or alternative dates, is also recognised as special days for war remembrances in many non-Commonwealth countries. Remembrance Day is observed on 11 November to recall the end of hostilities of World War I on that date in 1918. Hostilities formally ended "at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month", in accordance with the armistice signed by representatives of Germany and the Entente between 5:12 and 5:20 that morning. ("At the 11th hour" refers to the passing of the 11th hour, or 11:00 am.) The First World War officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on 28 June 1919.[2]
The memorial evolved out of Armistice Day, which continues to be marked on the same date. The initial Armistice Day was observed atBuckingham Palace, commencing with King George V hosting a "Banquet in Honour of the President of the French Republic"[3]during the evening hours of 10 November 1919. The first official Armistice Day was subsequently held on the grounds of Buckingham Palace the following morning.
The red remembrance poppy has become a familiar emblem of Remembrance Day due to the poem In Flanders Fields. These poppies bloomed across some of the worst battlefields of Flandersin World War I; their brilliant red colour became a symbol for the blood spilled in the war.
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Monday, November 9, 2015
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Rocky Mountain Allreds

Dawnell Hatton Griffin is finishing a book on the Allred family which is intended to be the definitive book on the Allred family and is based on Dawnell’s more than 40 years of research. It traces our ancestors from their earliest recorded events in England in the early 1500s to Solomon Allred’s immigration to Pennsylvania in the early 1700s. It follows the family from Pennsylvania, to Maryland and Virginia and eventually to the settlement of three of Solomon’s sons and and his grandson in North Carolina in the 1750s. The book corrects much of the mis-information that is found in current genealogy on our family. It identifies new and previously unknown relationships. It traces all of the known families into the early 1800s. The book is intended to spur further research on the family and is heavily documented with sources that will enable researchers to continue research on the family. The book will be a hard cover book printed on acid free paper. Dawnell hopes to have the book ready for purchase for Christmas. If you wish to sign up to purchase the book when it is available, please send an email to Keith Allred at and he will put you on the list of possible purchasers. He will notify those on this list when the book is available for purchase and give pricing and other details so that those who wish a copy can place an order.
Friday, November 6, 2015
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
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