Not many of you would remember anyone in this group, but maybe you will recognize a name and perhaps they are an ancestor. This is our hope and the reason we post these pictures from the past. You can also help to identify the unknowns. This photo is from the Relic Home Collection.
Here are the names- left to right....
Back Row:Vera Kump, Usher Winters, ? Pehrson, George Nelson, Hettie Mills, Joseph Lund, Sherwood Pehrson, Minnie Rutishauser, Rashel Larsen, Kate Gilbert...
Middle Row: Rheva Scovil (Mower), Stella Olsen, Plumus Boyden, Myrtle Clark (Bagley), J. W. Anderson, S. M Nielsen, Venetta Monsen (Jensen),Francis Ericksen, Maria Anderson....
Front Row: Cloe Lund, ? Anderson, Arnold Swenson, Stella Jensen (Weech), ? Coates, Blaine Watson, Hazel Kump, Inez Dorsie (Rosenlof).
Its only our guess that this is a graduating class because of the diplomas lying in front of the group. Thank goodness we have most of the names.
If nothing else, this should be a reminder to label your precious personal family photos and to include as much information as you can. Future generations will want to know
Stella Jensen Weech is my great grandmother! I have more info posted here: http://lythgoes.net/genealogy/getperson.php?personID=I195. Can I get a higher-resolution version of this photograph? My email is darrin at lythgoes dot net. Thanks!
Another great photo! This is an amazing blog. I would also like to request a higher resolution scan of this photo. My email is cboat at unm.edu
I was also wondering how I can contribute photos to the blog. I have a couple of photos that I think you guys might really like.
few family photographs makes the family's bond.
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