Judy Malkiewicz of Mackay, Idaho (above), has sent us a number of her grandmother's photos in the past. She promised us more in the future. However, she was recently diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a cancer of the bone marrow plasma cells with no known cure. She is undergoing treatment in Colorado. She has two websites of her own. One tells of her battle with multiple myeloma: http://jmmultiplemyeloma.blogspot.com. The other tells us of the "goings on" in Mackay Idaho, where she now lives and where her grandmother moved to after leaving Mt. Pleasant: http://mackayidaho1.blogspot.com/ . We will be posting a few of the photos she has shared over the next few days. We wish Judy all the best in her battle against multiple myeloma. Many thanks to Judy for thinking of us at this critical time in her own life.
My grandmother, Hazel Theora (Jensen) Anderson Lundberg, was born January 22, 1889 in Mt. Pleasant, Utah. She grew up in Mt. Pleasant and married a man also born in Mt. Pleasant, Maple Henning Lundberg (the son of Dr. August Lundberg - Dentist). They left Mt. Pleasant in 1917 and moved to Mackay, Idaho where they both died (he in 1934 and she in 1985). In my grandmother's things, I have a number of old Mt. Pleasant photos, obituaries, etc - most are labeled.
Henrietta Thompson
Friend of Hazel Anderson Lundberg
Taken at Dean Studio, Grand Junction Colorado
Henrietta Thompson's Grandchild
taken at Nampa Idaho
Friend of Hazel Anderson Lundberg
Jim Syndergaard and Ab Nelson
Friends of Hazel Anderson Lundberg
taken at Ephraim, Utah
Jim Syndergaard
Friend of Hazel Anderson Lundberg
Estella West
Friend of Hazel Anderson Lundberg
Estella West's Son
Friend of Hazel Anderson Lundberg
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