Lee, the out of shape office worker
In the early 1930s,
after losing his homestead in the Books Cliff area of Carbon County (he had not
spent enough time there) and wanting to stay in the sheep business, however small,
my father, L R Christensen needed grazing range to comply with the Taylor
Grazing Act. With his father J W
Christensen of Fairview who also needed more range for his much bigger herd
together they bought about six thousand acres in the Schofield area from Mt
Pleasant interests that included the James Larsen family.
By the mid-1980s
the acreage was owned by about fifteen of their heirs and operated as an
informal family partnership rented to a
cattleman who ran about six hundred head of cattle there June to October. It was the ideal place for a recently retired
out-of- shape office worker with cowboy fantasies
to exercise those fantasies. Here are
some of the high lights of my last summer at Schofield.
Schofield - 1988 The Last Summer
Sunday, July 31, 1988, 2:30 p.m.
Back on the property, getting ready for another August of riding, hiking, packing. Left Ellensburg
Thursday. Car camped at Farewell Bend State Park, Oregon. Swatted mosquitos
and talked with the ghosts of Oregon Trail travellers throughout the night. Next day, drove
to Anderson Campground, Twin Falls, Idaho. Spent evening with Barbara, Pat O’Marra,
and daughter Connie. Had not seen Connie since Juneau, 1965. She has since became a
very attractive woman, married, divorced, earned a masters in social work from UCLA,
worked as social worker in LA area. She has now returned to Kimberly/Twin Falls to
work, having tired of the southern California rat race. A very pleasant evening.
On the road early Saturday morning. Planning to make Schofield by mid-afternoon. Was
on schedule until pickup started misbehaving south of Salt Lake City. Pulled into a service
station, but before mechanic could look for problem, it disappeared, so drove on. By
Springville, the engine was dying every time I let up on the accelerator. To my surprise,
I found a garage open and in two hours for eighty dollars I had a new fuel pump and a
smooth running pickup. Decided to stay in Fairview rather than drive up the canyon in late
afternoon. Besides, I was tired, needed a shower, and the weather looked threatening.
Have been here a few hours. Have built a corral to protect the hay I hauled from Ellensburg.
Put up the wash stand. Done some policing of the campsite. Taken short nap. Left
to do is haul sheep wagon from Salt Lake. Build saddle rack. Just heard first loud crack of
thunder as the usual afternoon build-up begins. This may go on for 2-3 hours and, by early
evening, have blown through. We may or may not get some rain.
Wednesday, August 3, 1988
Back in camp. Left Monday for Salt Lake City. Visited with Elsie in Fairview, then on to
Provo where I overnighted. Spent evening visiting with June. Tuesday, drove to Salt Lake
City. Checked courthouse records. Ross and Eva were not married in Salt Lake County.
Checked with Register University of Utah. Was told to send proof of death for transcript,
also two dollars for transcript. Bought Tracy’s Amtrac ticket. She leaves Seattle August
16, arrives Provo August 17. Had visit and dinner with Dave and Susan, who are housesitting
Hal’s home. Talked Schofield.
Wednesday morning, hooked sheep wagon to pickup and was on highway by ten minutes
to seven. Was ahead of the commute traffic into the city; into Schofield by 10:00, after an
uneventful drive, much to my relief. I had expected a disaster pulling a sheep wagon
originally built to be pulled by horses; modernized by adding rubber tires, no tail lights, just
the farm implement triangle road permit, protruding chimney, bounce around stove. I was
fearful that my slow highway speed up Spanish Fork Canyon would cause a traffic jam, but
I was ahead of the traffic.
Was able, with help from steady, sturdy pickup, to locate wagon where it belonged in the
campground. I’m now ready for the summer, but will take a nap first and then see what I
can do about the mice in the wagon. Maybe I’ll challenge mice before nap.
1:00 p.m. - Mice nests cleaned out. Did not see any mice. They may know where to hide
as I attacked each nest. Took mattress and springs out to get a big nest that I suspected had
been built from mattress filler. To my surprise, mattress was intact. Nest must have come
from earlier mattress. The wagon is now fairly clean. Mice nest free at least. It needs
some repairs, which I’ll do over the summer. Needs a new stove or the top of the current
one welded. Will see what I can find in Mt. Pleasant or Fairview tomorrow.
5:45 p.m. - I’ve moved most of my gear into wagon - all but the food. I’ll know by morning
what the remaining mouse problem is. If they have nibbled away at the newspapers or
the leather equipment, I’ll move mouse edibles back into pickup. I’m much better organized
around wagon than a year ago. Even old dogs can learn new tricks. Have hooked
horse trailer to pickup. Ready to take off for Fairview/Mt. Pleasant for last minutes groceries,
beer, and horses. By tomorrow evening, I should be in full swing.
Thursday, August 4, 3:30 p.m.
Back in camp with horses. They did not load easy, but appear to be better stock than last
summer. The brown gelding has bad hobble sores on both front feet. I’ve salved them.
Have them tied to a tree getting them familiar with their new environment so they will not
take off for Indianole tonight. Have not yet decided if I will stake them tonight. Probably
should first night, away from the home corral.
Saw Elmer Fillis and Lyn Paulsen while in Mt. Pleasant. Both looked good. Elmer is the
fittest 64 year old I’ve seen in these parts. It is his winters in southern California; his summers
in Mt. Pleasant with plenty of tennis and golf that does it.
Pickup performed like an 87 model just off the assembly line on the Cottonwood Canyon
grade. That’s seven miles of 8% climb on a hot, hot day pulling a horse
trailer with two horses giving no help.
Finished buying my camp supplies and, for the most part, am completely moved in for my
second summer. Now to get the horses adjusted and me into the saddle.
To my surprise, Lamont only charged me $250.00 for the horses and tack. I had expected
to pay at least $400.00. There are still some bargains - I say - before I’ve ridden the horses.
7:15 p.m. - Have had supper - sheepherder potatoes, onions, and boiled eggs. I use the
water I’ve boiled the eggs in to do my dishes, which have been washed. Checked on the
horses. They are adjusting. I have them in a small barbed wire holding corral. So far,
I’ve been able to walk up to them. Have grained them, small amounts, two-three times,
so they’re familiar with their rider. There is very little grazing in the corral, so I’ve tossed
them some hay. They prefer the sparse grazing to the world famous Ellensburg Timothy.
My telling them that Kentucky Derby winner, Seattle Slew, ran on Ellensburg Timothy did
not impress them. Will check them one more time before I crawl into the old sleeping bag.
Friday, August 5, 11:45 a.m.
I have just washed my hands from my morning ground brushing activities. Was in the
saddle on Old Geld leading Paint the packhorse by 9:30. Fifty yards down the trail, he
dumped me. It was so fast, so sudden, so unexpected, I don’t really know what happened.
He bucked once, maybe twice, maybe three times, then I’m on the ground slightly stunned,
completely shocked, without my glasses. The horses trotting down the trail. Recovered,
caught the horses and started looking for my glasses. Took me forty minutes to find them.
Remounted after tying Paint and rode Old Geld for twenty minutes alone. He is a mount
I must stay alert on. Returned, picked up Paint and rode around, keeping a very tight and
short hold on my pack mare. It is likely the bucking episode was caused by letting the lead
rope get under Geld’s tail. Anyway, no broken bones. I don’t even feel bruised.
Had a great deal of leather work to do. Pack saddle is new, but all straps had to be adjusted.
Stirrups were too long and had been wired set, so had to get out wire cutters, leather
punch, adjust, and rewire. I’m learning to do these jobs, which any packer or rider should
be able to do. After being thrown from my horse, I’m starting to think that the setting up,
the getting ready for, and the equipment repair are as interesting and as much fun as the riding.
Put the horses in the big pasture. Will see how that goes. Will ride again, later this afternoon
7:35 p.m. - I guess I’m through for the day. Did not get back in the saddle, but elected to
drive to Price. I had forgotten how different and interesting the rock formations are for the
15-20 miles before Price. The canyon was steeper than I remembered.
Price was hot and you have to wonder why a town. Got the supplies I needed, but mostly
looked around and came home. My worries about catching the horses in the big pasture
were groundless. The Paint comes right up to me. Old Geld follows.
Bought a small plate of sheet steel to cover draft hole on stove. Have now put good steel
over broken or missing stove covers, so fire should burn and heat, maybe bake as good as
Back from today’s auto travel. Headed out for Skyline Endurance Ride about 8:30. Arrived
Lake Canyon about 10:00. Saw first six or seven 25 milers finish. First two were
father and son, Ward Arabians, to whom I had mailed photographs from last year’s ride.
Chatted with them about their ride. Talked with Mrs. Reynolds. She and her husband manage
the ride.
Then, under threatening sky, headed down Huntington Canyon. Did not find anyone squatting
on the Valentine Gulch property, but did not walk up into gulch because of heavy rain.
Drove on down the canyon to Huntington, admiring the interesting rock forms and bristol
cone trees.
From Huntington on to Price. Still more interesting land forms. Ate lunch in Price. Bought
insoles for boots - overlooked yesterday - and home. It is an interesting loop with contrasting
geological features from Schofield, Skyline, Huntington, Price. Tracy may want to
travel it.
Saturday, August 6
5:10 P.M. - Grained the horses. They were a good quarter mile away, but came when I
called. That is, the Paint came and Old Sour Geld followed.
Took a few minutes to find the answer to an important question. Do my homemade pack
boxes fit the canvas panniers? The answer—No. Lamont’s panniers are not standard-don’t
even appear to be square. More homemade than my boxes.
The boxes are good for mouse proofing my food. Will work out something else for packing.
Sunday August 7-8:30 A.M.
Have grained the horses, prepared and eaten breakfast, done the dishes, made my bed,
cleaned the wagon and I’m ready for the day’s activities. Will take a short walk, round up
the horses and get ready for a couple hours riding.
Rained some last night—even a gentle rain is noisy on the tin roof of the wagon. There was
no lightening or thunder (they go together)—just a sneak up on me in the middle of the
night rain. Could use some every night.
1:00 P.M. - Lunch finished. Boots cleaned, toenails cut and planning afternoon activities.
Was in the saddle at 9:45. Headed out and wary. Kept old Paint close so no loose rope to
get under Geld’s tail. Rode to reservoir and back. Two hours. Let Paint follow off rope
home. No real incidents but Geld occasionally wants to head home and gets balky, rears.
An alert rider can stay with him, get him under control and he’s fine for the next 20-25
2:30 P.M. - Just back from a 2.8 mile lunch hike. I thought I left the place very clean last
fall but the beer can throwers have been back. Will clean it up again.
7:45 P.M. - Dinner and dinner dishes done. Was a quickie chili with beans and Vienna sausages.
Earlier I had planned a more elaborate meal but am back late and tired from a two
and a half hour search for “Rogers Gate” over on the lower Lost 40. Did not find gate and
I wonder if we could get onto our property up his 80-foot corridor. Will take more inspecting.
Will ride over to campground and inspect rather than hike from here. By the time I
hike to the campground, tramp around, walk up and down hills on a hot afternoon I’ve had
it. And that is how I feel tonight. Must yet go see if the horses want water. They do not like
the muddy water the cattle drink.
1:55 P.M. - In camp. Horses watered and groomed as Tracy would want. Washed-up and
ready for lunch. Had 3 hours plus ride up to top and back. Good work out for Geld and
Paint followed beautifully. Bottom sore but I’m trying to get in shape.
Tuesday August 9
10:10 A.M. - In camp for morning break. Not riding today. Will dedicate this one to picking
up all the big junk in the camp area—like mattress springs, burned out wagon or car seats
and assorted small stuff. Will throw into pick-up and take to Schofield dumpster or if
moved, all the way to Mt. Pleasant dump. With the big stuff out of the way can clean up the
little stuff over the summer. Dave would like this area for a family campground. If that is
his idea with my time and inclinations to pick-up—learned in military—I’ll turn this area
into a park. Mother Nature has given us a beautiful place to start.
Brant came by last evening and had soup with me. Examined my map of area—and I don’t
have fences in some of the places he says there are fences. The differences all involve LR/
Eva’s property. I’ll ride the total area before I complain to Hal.
Mary Jane’s idea of giving our land to Audubon Society for the Eva Parke Bird refuge
makes more sense every day.
8:00 P.M. - Back from second trip to Schofield. First one to take PU full of junk—successful—
big help. Second trip to make two telephone calls-to Sally-all is well eastern front and
to Robyn—all is well Ellensburg front. While in Schofield had hamburger dinner.
Spent good part of morning with Brant. He took me up on top. Pointed out where water
holes were. Then up Starvation canyon again pointing out water holes. Pointed out the RR
grade where the RR had crossed our acreage headed for Schofield. It was a meaningful
orientation to the property for me. I had some boundaries clearly screwed up. I’m not very
lay-of-the-land talented. Certainly no Fremont the Pathfinder.
Wednesday, August 10
1:20 P.M. How easy it is to lose track. I had to go back to yesterday to make certain it was
Wednesday. Finished lunch—awaiting Dave, who is due today. Had a 2-1/2 hour ride trouble
on one stretch. It is a 200-yard shady lane and 2-3 deer had crossed it just ahead
of us. Old Geld was very obstinate and refused to go. Turned, reared, stood solid so I lead
him. After that things went well. Will have to ride him back and forth in there a number of
times. I’m occupied with the horses, getting them, saddling, riding, unsaddling, grooming
and returning them to pasture via water hole from 9:00 to 1:00 on a day like today. A full
6:15 P.M. Dave has just left-got here about 2:45; had 1-1/2 hours discussion with Ag man
from Price-I did not sit in on conversation. Since they adjourned we have sat in sheep
wagon-2 beers each and talked family, Schofield, etc. Good afternoon.
Thursday August 11
11:40 A.M. As they say in the Air Force, “It was smooth sailing until we hit Turbulence.”
One half hour out on the trail and up a steep slope Old Geld decided to get rough. I stuck
with him for 4-6 twisters and then I was rolling down the hill. Both horses took off—
haven’t seen them since (10:30 was F for Fly Hour). Have a skinned elbow, sore neck—
maybe a slight whiplash and sore right rib cage—maybe a broken rib or two.
First chore is to find horses. I’ll return the Geld overnight in Fairview to see how I feel in
the morning and if all is well come back here. If not we’ll have to make some decisions.
But first the horses.
1:15 P.M. Back in camp—horses up road a piece—tied up. I’ll have a light lunch—hook up
the trailer and return Old Geld. Will take both horses, but if I’m feeling OK tomorrow will
bring Paint back with hopefully a reliable mount. Right now, I’m a little sore all over. Like
maybe I’ve gone a quarter with the Chicago Bears.
The next crisis will be loading? A beautiful doe just strolled through the campsite.
Friday August 12
9:05 A.M. Parked here in front of Lamont’s while he brings up a substitute for Old (High
Hips) Geld. Got into Fairview last evening about 5 P.M. Took me about one hour to load
horses—a little patience—damn little, and some force. Spent night here in Fairview. Had
dinner at Stu’s with Ted Mower and his wife Goldie—then out to his Oak Creek home for
pleasant 2 hour visit.
Got up this morning and did my laundry. Now I’m ready to hit the saddle and trail. Some
pain to neck and right rib cage, otherwise sound as the American dollar.
1:20 P.M. - I appear to be back in business. Arrived back in camp about 11:30. Tied and
fed horses-had lunch. Moved excess gear back onto horse trailer, watered horses, grained
them for orientation purposes and am now ready to relax. Only thing missing appears to be
saddle water canteen. Probably where I unsaddled and tied horses yesterday afternoon.

New gelding appears to be much calmer and pleasant-Old Geld was very sour—had his
ears laid back most of the time—drove Paint away from the grain-threatened on and off
while they were grazing. A very unpleasant horse. He was certainly one you would suspect
as being a closet bucker—which he turned out to be.
Lamont was very apologetic for Geld’s actions and thinks I have one that will respect my
Senior Citizen status.
7:00 P.M. Have just finished dishes—sumptuous meal—canned string beans, potatoes,
boiled: chicken gravy with a can of chicken in it. Too full for dessert—which was to have
been canned apricots—maybe later.
Saturday August 13
10:15A.M. Just finished an extensive policing of immediate camp area. Have two bags for
dumpster. I find pieces of wire above every footstep. Will not ride today. Both neck and ribs
sorer than yesterday—probably because I did not keep them warm enough last night. Both
feel better after hour of walking and picking up.
Will go into Price today. Check out some activities for Tracy and me—maybe send a
postcard or two. Horses came for grain when I called. I think they will be catchable when
I’m ready to ride. New Geld could use a little weight, so 2 days rest won’t hurt him. Paint
getting fat.
6:00 P.M. I’m about to grain the horses, halter them and take them to water. I’ll be interested
in seeing if they drink as I’ve not watered them since noon yesterday. There is water
in the pasture—if they’re found it-and a good dew fall last night.
A frustrating day that ended with what I wanted to get done. Picked up the metal milk
boxes in Schofield—was given them. Went to Price—money machine would give me no
money. Computer said “unable to verify with your bank.” Went by to get water—sign said,
“non-potable.” Two strikes. Started researching the water problem. City officials had referred
me there for water last week. In the Museum—when I inquired about Visitors Center
I was asked what my problem was—being that the Center closed. I explained—a knowledgeable
gentleman (I hope) said if the water was coming out a faucet it was drinkable.
Price had only the one water system-and piped water drinkable.
So, on way to get water, tried bank again—and what do you know—got my money. Bought
some books—and two dishpans, which I’ll use for grain feeders, and came home. Did visit
both Helper Coal Museum and Price Museum. Both good.
6:40 P.M. Grained and watered Old Paint—didn’t drink much so either not thirsty or too
excited to drink because Old Geld not with us. He was too quick for me to get a rope on
him. Better luck in the morning. If I’m ready to ride. Now for the evening meal. What will
it be....
Sunday August 14
8:20 A.M. Waiting for the coffee to perk. Have been out and grained and caught Paint. She
is tied in what I call the stall area. Old Geld did not take his grain and I did not catch him. I
have a special problem here. Part of my summer challenge.
Neck and right rib cage still sore—spent a restful night.
11:20 A.M. As I’ve hinted at before—the challenge of living out here may be what all the
fun is about. And horses in the mountains represent a major challenge. I decided to lure Old
Geld into the smaller pasture/corral. The same corral I kept Brown Geld and Paint in the
first night I had them. The gates were not all they should be and in anticipation that I may
have a problem catching Old Geld I’ve spent the morning improving the gates. I think I’ve
got the gates so he won’t try and jump them. The fence is generally good.
After fixing the gates I put Paint in the corral and in came Old Geld (O.G.) I shut the gate
and I now have him in a corral—-still big about 75 yds. 50 yds-but by much smaller than
the 2 mile sq. pasture he has been in. About 5 P.M. I’ll go down and see if I can catch and
ride him. I’ll keep them there until I leave for Provo and Tracy. Feed them hay.
Have dead calf in pound—will try and drag it out this afternoon-or better yet let Brant do it
when he returns tomorrow.
1:35 P.M. I moved dead calf 50 yds beyond pound—Brant can probably tell what killed it.
7:15 - End of day. Cold Quik Chocolate drink for dinner as I had hamburger at Finn’s Inn,
4:00 P.M. Went up to Madsen Cove State Park to see if I could locate Rogers 80’ that we’re
trying to access to our property. Have a general idea-but general is not good enough here—
that 80’ could take in an impossible hill. I may ask a surveyor to locate it for me.
Did get in 25 min. riding on Old Geld. Took me a few minutes even in the small corral
to catch him. Paint goes wild when he is not near and for my short ride I tied her but she
skinned her shoulder trying to get loose. It’s one problem after another with horses. Good
chocolate drink—must drink it more often.
Monday August 15
8:50 A.M. - Off to a slow start. Haven’t had breakfast yet. Have lured the horses into the
corral so if I decide to ride they are available. We have a fully overcast sky and hopefully
will get a good rain. It has been hot and dry and I can notice the change in vegetation since
I’ve been here. Yesterday not a cloud in the sky. Today I hope rain.
Unlike last summer when there was a build up every afternoon with some rain with much
lightening and thunder. This summer has been peaceful and dry.
9:29- Started to rain hard enough that you can hear the pitter patter on the sheep wagon’s
tin roof—Hope it lasts all day. I would like the area green for Tracy. She is not used to a
dust bowl.
11:05 A.M. - Housekeeping done—ready to catch horses and ride-Cat went by about
9:40—-thought I would walk up and see it in action. As I was headed up that way Brant
came by and I rode up with him. Cat was to work upper pond today, so I just watched them
unload—at first cattle guard, then caught ride back to camp with son of Cat operator. They
will be working 2nd pond tomorrow, near Andy Anderson’s cabin-should be able to see that
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Cabin is the Andy Anderson cabin, the original homesteader. Andy was a James Larsen son in law and a long time science teacher at North Sanpete |
Will get no rain today—has passed over without doing anything but teasing. Right lower
rib cage bothering me today. Neck not too bad.
2:55 P.M. - Have just finished my cheese and beer lunch-Bud Light-not worth the can its
packed in. Have not yet found a dark or foreign beer in Utah. Rode Paint for about 1 3/4
hrs—leading Old Geld. Paint is hard to bit—tosses her head, but is otherwise a good horse.
Needs work and Tracy can give it to her. Mr. AlIred looked at her-says she is only a four
year old. If so she’ll be a good one. Could be pretty, too. I’ve let her get too fat. And she is
friendly—most of the time I can walk up to her. Today’s catch was not one of them. But I
was patient, friendly and in due time caught both of them. Have turned them into the big
pasture for the afternoon and night.
Right rib cage giving me pain.
10:10 P.M. late for an old timer—I’ve been into town with Brant. I had walked up to the
cabin hoping to see what construction they had done, and hoping to ride back with Brant
and Jack. On reaching the cabin and finding no Cat—and looking at the tracks I decided
they had gone. About a third of the way back they caught me. Brant was taking Jack to
Clear Creek and invited me to come along. But again about a third of the way to Schofield
we passed Jack’s son coming for him. Brant and I adjourned to Finn’s Inn where Brant had
dinner—a hamburger and a beer and I had a beer. Four or five Mexican sheepherders were
drinking beer and shooting pool and a couple of other cattle runners were there to kid Brant
about how his cows are scattered all over the mountain—which I guess is true. A late but
enjoyable evening. If you’re playing fantasy cowboy its best done in the company of real
Tuesday August 16
9:35 A.M. - Horses grained and corralled. Breakfast prepared and eaten (coffee, eggs and
Vienna Sauages), dishes washed and dried, bed made and wagon swept. Now for catching
the horses, saddling and riding for 2-3 hrs. Then off to Fairview for the night-was unable to
get reservations in Provo-and pick up Tracy Wednesday morning.
12:10 - Sitting here belching my lunch and finishing my Rainier Lite-which is causing the
belching—Oh! for a good beer.
Have had an hours ride on Old Geld—Paint following-they are still saddled and I’ll ride another
hour or two before calling it a day. Old Geld did not misbehave—though I had to lead
him up what I’m going to call the “reluctant trail.” Brown Geld had same problem though
this time I suspect OG could hear the Cat in the distance.
Wednesday August 17 3:20 P.M.
Back in camp with Tracy and her tent is pitched. Bed roll moved in and she has set up
Stayed the night in Fairview because I couldn’t get reservations in Provo. Headed out at
6:00 A.M. to meet incoming Amtrak—due 7:30—but was one hour late—Tracy said they
ran out of water in middle of Idaho. Tracy and I had breakfast with June—pleasant visitthen
on to Fairview to pick up saddle and bridle for Old Paint—actually 5 years old according
to Lamont. Then up to Schofield. Drove Tracy around reservoir to give her lay of land.
Yesterday before leaving put in another two hours in saddle—a good part of it driving
Brant’s cows.
Last evening spent 1-1/2 hours with Dean Staker, old National Guard buddy. He appeared
delighted that I had looked him up. Most people like to be remembered.
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Tracy |
My daughter, Tracy.
Thursday August 188:40 P.M. - Tracy and I had three hour ride today—over to lost 40, back to 2nd 40, into big
pasture and home. We had not intended to ride that much for Tracy’s first day—but got carried
away. Old Paint had gotten out of Big Pasture and was with Brant’s horses—so it was
11 A.M. before we got started. We’re both looking forward to tomorrow’s ride into the far
corner of Eva’s property.
After a ride visited Clear Creek which is considerably smaller than Schofield—50 people
vs. 100. Had rice with tuna fish gravy for dinner. As usual my gravy too thin and of course
Friday August 19
5:20 P.M. - Diner and lunch combined—just finished. In saddle at 10 A.M. Five and onehalf
hours later back in camp. Rode down to blue gate—up on top—over to Starvation/Bear
Ridge Road—down to Pond-Mill and home. Almost too much for your Senior Citizen.
Tracy doing great, youth will tell. Making plans for Park City endurance ride tomorrow.
Sunday August 21 9:35 P.M.
Tracy has kept me so busy I haven’t had time to write. Yesterday Saturday 8/20 left camp at
6 A.M. for Park City and Endurance ride. Had breakfast Tucker; got to ride about 10:30—
watched for an hour and headed home—Lunch in Heber—some shopping in Orem, Springville
and back to camp about 3:30 P.M. Was cold enough to build fire in wagon stove. Had
light rain for about 1/2 hour. Bow hunting pressure light.
Today we left camp at 9:30 A.M. on foot and walked shoreline to Carbon Co Campground.
Tracy sunned until about 1:30. Then we walked home via front Lost 40.1 look a one hr.
nap. After dinner we walked beyond gate one. Counting her early morning jog, Tracy
covered in excess of 10 miles today. I’m about 2-3 miles behind. On our hike to gate I we
got soaked so came back. Built fire in wagon stove, and have dried some of our garments.
Through the night in the dying heat the others should dry.
Monday August 22
4:55 P.M. - Dinner over, dishes washed, relaxing after 5-hour ride. Went onto Eva’s property
to the Northern end. Was a small lush meadow near end. Then rode up Starvation road
to Blue gate. Some ripe chokecherries along Starvation. Passed convoy of Bow hunters
headed home, 4-5 motorhomes and trailers. Tracy having trouble with Paint tossing her
head so we took bridle off and used only the halter. Some improvement.
8:20 P.M. - Back from climb of Baldy. Good steep climb of 45 minutes—wandered around
coming down so it took one hour. Found dead doe—couldn’t’ tell if shot with arrow. Was
the doe that had been in camp during my first 3-4 days here. What a waste. Had been dead
a very short time.
Wednesday August 24
7:30 A.M. - Tuesday - Rode 3 hours. Hiked with Paint carrying water cans to piped
spring and brought back 10 gals. of water. Tracy jogged 4 miles. Evening rode with
Brant while he and his great dog brought up small herd of cattle and placed them on
Eva’s land.
Now for today. Getting ready to do Nine Mile Canyon. Tracy out jogging (2 miles) while I
make coffee.
Thursday August 25
6 P.M. - Just back from 2 hour ride—a shorty. This morning we hiked Baldy via the first
gate—about a mile hike with a 1200 ft. elevation gain. Tracy no problem. Lee huff and
Yesterday we did Nine Mile-an interesting drive-Cliffs have Indian petrographs going back
800 years. Saw some, but had trouble following guide brochure. Canyon also great geology
study. At end of the road (as far as we went) was an old ranch with real cowpokes getting
ready to round up cows and a log cabin tavern. Long drive but interesting.
Sunday August 28
7:45 P.M. - Just finished the evening 3 miler. Added up to the breakfast 4 miles Tracy and I
have done 7 miles. A relaxing, short exercise day. After yesterday I needed it.
Saturday—yesterday—we went to Mt. Timpanogas—Tracy climbed it. 18.2-miles round
trip with elevation gain of 4350 ft. She made the round trip climb in six hours—unbelievable.
I did not summit-made the ridge overlooking Provo—a magnificent view-in 3-1/2
hrs. Probably 14 miles round trip, with elevation gain of 3200 ft. Rested 1/2 hrs. and when
Tracy returned from Summit headed down. She was good hour or hour and a half ahead of
me. I felt fine and could have reached summit in another hour. I cannot climb with Tracy’s
speed and energy. It is a great climb—good trail—too many people, with a constant, spectacle
view. Highly recommended for active people.
Came back to Provo had dinner with June-got back to base camp about 9 P.M. Great day.
Left camp Friday—took in Price—the museurn-Huntington Canyon, Valentine Gulch-overnighted
in Fairview where we did our laundry and showered. It was probably the shower in
Fairview that made Tracy’s great climb possible.
Wednesday August 31
9:45 A.M. - Starting to break camp—will at a slow pace—fold up tent—put away Tracy’s
sleeping bag-shine her boots. Probably go into Schofield for hamburger dinner. Tomorrow
take horses back-come back here for night and clean out, clear out Friday.
Took Tracy to Provo yesterday where she caught 9:25 P.M. bus for Amtrak in Salt Lake.
Her Provo Amtrak had not made it out of Denver because of washed out bridge. We had
dinner with June, prepared by her from produce from her garden. A pleasant afternoon and
evening visit.
Monday we had ridden to top of Little Bear Canyon—6-1/2 hrs in saddle.
Sorry to see Tracy go. She has been a good companion—and I think she had an interesting
time—a pleasant respite from her studies. The end of summer always brings a little pain.
The more pleasant the summer, the more pain.
2:40 P.M. - Tent down—dried, rolled and boxed. Saddles and related tack in horse trailer
ready to return to Lamont. Boots cleaned, oiled, waxed and shined. Tracy’s ready for storage.
Horse baled hay to scatter; all temporary camp construction taken down with exception
of washstand. There is a threat of rain and if it comes heavy will make leaving difficult.
7:30 P.M. - Back from Schofield where I had a hamburger and beer at Finn’s Inn. Called
Mary Jane, Maxine and Lynn Poulson. Made tentative plans to have dinner with Maxine
Monday Sept.12. Lynn not available Friday so will try and see him when I come back
through after BYU.
Thursday Sept I
5:40 P.M. - Had horses loaded and out of camp by 9:45 A.M. Both must have been anxious
to leave as I caught them in the big Pasture. Paint always nervous to load but she went in
without too much fuss. Geld took a little quiet urging. In Fairview and unloading 11:15.
Went by Mt Pleasant and Elmer Fillis hoping to find him home and a dinner date tomorrow
night—no luck. Headed back to property final camp breaking by 2:30.
Have now finished about 60% of loading. Will finish after dinner. Leave only gas stove
for breakfast coffee. While in Fairview will call Barbara—Tracy home. Summer winding
down. The last two weeks have been very good.
Friday Sept. 2
7:50 A.M. - Breaking camp. Heading out at 7:35. Left clean camp as only an old soldier
can do.
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Visitors to the camp prior to 1988 |
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Sheepherder and dog Photo taken years before 1988 |
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