Pioneer Relief Society April 1878

Meeting held April ...1878
Opened with singing "Guide Us Thou O Great Jehova"
Prayer by Sister Peel
Singing "How Firm A Foundation Ye Saints Of The Lord"
Sister Morrison addressed the sisters. Felt well to be united with the sisters in capacity of a meeting, said in as much as we were humble in our efforts before the Lord, he would direct us with his holy spirit to lead and guide us in the way of truth and righteousness in all things that is noble and good. Thought it was a great privilege given to us to be stewards for the poor, to comfort the less spirited and build up those that are oppressed with sorrow and trials. She also exhorted the sisters to be watchful and prayerful in this .....the power to present that influence and spirit that try to lead us astray.
Sister Peel felt also glad to meet with the sisters and then to bear her testimony, felt sorry that poor health had not permitted her to come every time but her spirit always united with the sisters.
Sister Simpson said that the good spirit manifested in this meeting, felt so much pleased that the visiting sisters came so loaded to her house; thought it was a pleasure to supply the wants of the poor and exhorted the sisters that go around by humble and prayer so that they will always bring a good spirit wherever they go.
Sister Rowe said that it was a long time since she met with the sisters.... but the faces look familiar to her and reminded her that the fellowship and connections we had this mortal body.
So many other sisters presented strong testimony to the truth and a good spirit prevailed and was felt by everyone present.
Sister Morrison read some chapter of "Women of Mormondom" and Sister Hanah Nelson was admitted as a member of our society.
Sister ....... gave a pair of stockings to the temple and the meeting was closed with singing and Prayer.
Sis MFC Morrison Pres
Sis Louise Hasler Sec.
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