Meeting held September 12th 1878
Opened with singing "Oh My Father, Thou that Dwellest".
Prayer by Sister Hasler
Sister Morrison addressed the Sisters and felt glad to be able to meet with the Sisters again, said that she was kept away from meeting last time on account of attending to a dead person but her faith and mind was with the sisters. .............She said that many cases of harsh sickness was among us and urged the sisters to sustain all with their faith and prayers that they may be restored to health again, especially, Sister Lake that was.........for spirit a time we should remember her in our prayers every day that she might be a comfort and help for her family, like she has always been.
A good many other good instruction were given in regard to our children and other principles of the Gospel; and hoped that the sisters would attend meetings more regularly........business is over.
Sister Madsen rose and was very glad to meet with the Sisters after being absent for a while,........said she was tempted to resign her office of Counselor, but thought she was in ...........every time when the thought like that came in her mind, ........feeling it was a duty for everyone to do what they can for the building up this......anyhow........ Her prayer that we may.........for good reason.
The business was attended to. Sister G.....Frandsen and Sister M.......were appointed as teachers in the North Ward and Sister Tidwell and Sister ?Larsen in the South Ward. These teachers should keep a book to account for all the donations that are given to them and also the Temple.donations with the names of every sister that gives, also ......... that would be made in each Ward........... Some arrangements were made for Sister........to go to the City to get her endowments. Sister Morrison offered to see to her widows.................. to go through the house .......Sister Josephine.......for her.
Sister Hafen, Sister Fechser and Sister Fowles gave a......., as a temple donation made by them.
The meeting was dismissed with singing, "How Firm A Foundation"; and prayer given by Sister Johnson.
MFC Morrison, Pres
Louise Hasler, Sec.
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