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Susan Berry Dransfield’s
Great-Great Grandfather
Cyrus Hubbard (Hibbard) Wheelock
Cyrus Wheelock was a faithful laborer in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. A native of New York
State, he became a prominent leader in some to the early events of the Church. He was born Feb 28,
1813 in Henderson, New York.
As a young adult, Cyrus was captain of a ship and sailed for a number of years. He was
known as an extremely dedicated worked. While still a young man, he came to Illinois and worked
as the captain of a steamboat. It was there that he was introduced to the Gospel and soon became
intimately acquainted with the Prophet Joseph Smith. He joined the Church Sept. 1, 1839 and served
a mission to Vermont and other States.
Cyrus Wheelock was among Joseph and Hyrums’s most trusted friends. He visited with them
many times at Carthage Jail. He worked with Governor Ford to secure the safety of the two brothers.
He told the governor to the intention of their enemies to assassinate the Prophet and his brother and,
after repeated efforts, he obtained the assurance that the accused men should be protected and that
his friends would receive a fair trial by law.
He secured a pass from Governor Ford to visit the jail. A light rain had started, so Cyrus put
on a coat and packed a six-shooter, which he succeeded in pressing into the hand of the Prophet.
Already having a single barreled pistol in this possession, Joseph handed that pistol to Hyrum as he
received the revolver from Wheelock. As Hyrum reluctantly took the weapon, he said, “I the to use
such things or see them used.” “So do I,” agreed Joseph, “but we may have to, to defend ourselves.”
Cyrus Wheelock was given a list of witnesses to arrange for the trial the next day. Before he left, his
brethren gave him verbal messages for their families. Hyrum stated. “The Brother Wheelock will
remember all that we tell him, and he will never forget the occurrences of this day.”
Cyrus returned to the jail again just three hours before the martyrdom and is believed to the
one of the last persons to see the Prophet and Hyrum alive. he received a letter written by Joseph to
his wife, and was commissioned to deliver the precious message into her hands he was also charged
by the Prophet, first, to request the commander of the Nauvoo Legion to avoid all military display
and everything that would be likely to produce excitement, and, second, to use his influence with the
members of the Church to remain perfectly calm and quiet during the events Joseph knew were near
at hand. After the martyrdom he was instrumental in keeping the peace so that Nauvoo would not be
destroyed by the enemies of the Church.
He left for England June 26, 1846 on a mission. Before leaving, his journal states that he
visited Kirtland and held a debate for two days in the temple with SB Stoddard on the subject of the
Presidency of the Church.
He and his companion, Elder Moses Martin, preached along the way to New Your with good
success,. Upson arriving in New York, these men had the privilege of meeting Brothers Hyde and
Taylor bound also on a special mission to England.
He and his companion sailed for England Sept. 22, 1846 with Parley P. Pratt and Franklin D
Richards. Parley and Franklin both became very seasick, but Cyrus and Moses were fine and they ate
not only their portions of food but Parley’s and Franklin’s also.
When landing in Liverpool, Cyrus wrote, “Met a the house of Brother Brown with present
apostles, Orson Hyde, John Taylor, Parley P Pratt, along with Franklin D. Richards. Moses Martin
and many of the English brethren and had a time of rejoicing. Elder Taylor prophesied that we
should be the means of bring thousands to the knowledge of the Truth in this mission. We all said
apostles, Orson Hyde, John Taylor, Parley P Pratt, along with Franklin D. Richards. Moses Martin
and many of the English brethren and had a time of rejoicing. Elder Taylor prophesied that we
should be the means of bring thousands to the knowledge of the Truth in this mission. We all said
Cyrus left Liverpool for Manchester to attend Conference. Orson Hyde was appointed to
preside over the Conference. “I was appointed to take charge of the Birmingham Conference.” Cyrus
recorded in his journal, While teaching in Birmingham, Cyrus walked for miles and miles in the rain
teaching the Gospel. He left for England again for another mission March 1. 1849 and served a
successful mission to Europe in 1856. Cyrus baptized over 7,000 people into the Gospel from these
missions, exemplifying the wonderful missionary spirit he had.
In 1853 he led a group of 400 pioneers with 52 wagons on the Overland Trail from Keokuk,
Iowa in June 1853, arriving in Salt Lake, October 1853.
Three years later, as the Martin Handcart Company was trapped and many dying in
Wyoming, Cyrus was part of the rescue party to go out after them. In the Martin Handcart Company
were some of the people he had converted in England and for which he had great love and respect.
Cyrus was a gifted orator and was set apart as the first President of the Northern States
mission May 1, 1878. This comprised Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa Illinois and Minnesota. He wrote
the favorite hymn “Ye Elders of Israel,” because of his love for missionary work and his testimony
to the cause of truth.
Cyrus was one of the early settlers of the Territory of Utah. During the Blackhawk Indian
War, one hundred braves and Chief Blackhawk had great trust in their friend Cyrus Wheelock and
went to his home in Mt. Pleasant to receive help in sighing the peace
treaty that brought an end to the war.
Cyrus was the Patriarch of the Church in Mt. Pleasant and the acting Mayor of Mt. Pleasant.
he had the gift of healing the sick and was an instrument of healing for many souls.
In his later years, Cyrus was instrumental in collecting funds for the Manti Temple and was
called on to give the Dedicatory Prayer for the Temple.
While living in Nauvoo, he was sealed to Mary Ann Dallin in the Endowment House before
leaving Nauvoo They had seven children. Cyrus lived to a goodly age of 81 years and died Oct. 11,
Throughout his life he was always true to whatever he was entrusted, His devotion to the
cause of truth will always pave the way for his loved ones who follow.
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