Daniel Page and Mary Socwell
Daniel Page was born July 1800 in Newport, Cumberland, New Jersey to Joseph Page and Sarah Ingram. He married Mary Socwell April 17, 1822. She was born Apr 26, 1805 to Jonathan Socwell and Lorana Whitaker. They had a family of eleven children. They lost their farm in the financial difficulties of 1837.
For a time Mary moved taking some of the children with her to Pennsylvania to work at a cotton mill. Daniel and the eldest son, Joseph, went west. They found work cutting timber in Illinois and joined the church in 1839. After four years the family moved back again to New Jersey for a time. Mary joined the church in the 1843.
Because of their humble circumstances and because they had to work very hard to make a living, the children had limited opportunity for education. Mary was anxious for her children to obtain an education so she taught them herself while they were young. When they were older, she stimulated them to educate themselves; consequently most of the children were educated.
1850 found them moving west again to join the Saints. All left except George who was bound out to a glass blower; his master would not give him up even for a sum of $150.00. They joined the Mormon emigration and lived at Council Bluffs on the Little Mesquite Creek for two years.
Once again because of the family’s financial situation they went separate ways to get to Salt Lake. One of the daughters Ruth went with a family on condition that she would do the washing, ironing, cooking for six persons and take care of the wife during her confinement. Ruth kept a journal of crossing the plains and for many years afterwards. A couple of her brothers were in the same wagon train. Daniel and Mary crossed the plains in the Joseph Outhouse Wagon Company. They experienced the difficulties of cholera, stampedes, thirst, storms, rattlesnakes and wagon breakdowns.
By December 1852, they were living at Santaquin, until the war broke out with the Indians and then they moved to Payson to live in the protection of the fort there. Daniel’s health was not well so Mary assisted the family’s support by taking in washing, knitting, and sewing. She carded wool for shares. They raised a garden and cattle. Both Daniel and Mary enjoyed taking trips to the temple. They died in the early 1880’s and are both buried at Mount Pleasant, Utah.
For a time Mary moved taking some of the children with her to Pennsylvania to work at a cotton mill. Daniel and the eldest son, Joseph, went west. They found work cutting timber in Illinois and joined the church in 1839. After four years the family moved back again to New Jersey for a time. Mary joined the church in the 1843.
Because of their humble circumstances and because they had to work very hard to make a living, the children had limited opportunity for education. Mary was anxious for her children to obtain an education so she taught them herself while they were young. When they were older, she stimulated them to educate themselves; consequently most of the children were educated.
1850 found them moving west again to join the Saints. All left except George who was bound out to a glass blower; his master would not give him up even for a sum of $150.00. They joined the Mormon emigration and lived at Council Bluffs on the Little Mesquite Creek for two years.
Once again because of the family’s financial situation they went separate ways to get to Salt Lake. One of the daughters Ruth went with a family on condition that she would do the washing, ironing, cooking for six persons and take care of the wife during her confinement. Ruth kept a journal of crossing the plains and for many years afterwards. A couple of her brothers were in the same wagon train. Daniel and Mary crossed the plains in the Joseph Outhouse Wagon Company. They experienced the difficulties of cholera, stampedes, thirst, storms, rattlesnakes and wagon breakdowns.
By December 1852, they were living at Santaquin, until the war broke out with the Indians and then they moved to Payson to live in the protection of the fort there. Daniel’s health was not well so Mary assisted the family’s support by taking in washing, knitting, and sewing. She carded wool for shares. They raised a garden and cattle. Both Daniel and Mary enjoyed taking trips to the temple. They died in the early 1880’s and are both buried at Mount Pleasant, Utah.

Erected in honor of the Pioneers of 1859 by the
descendants of the Pioneers, whose names are inscribed upon this Monument.
Unveiled July 6, 1909.
Wm. Seely
Neils P. Madsen Rasmus Frandsen
M. C. Christensen Nathan Staker
Jens C. Jensen
John Tidwell
Henry Wilcox
Peter Mogensen
John Carter
Orange Seely
George Coates
George Farnsworth Jens Larsen
Peter Hansen
Svend Larsen Rudolphus R. Bennett Christian
Brotherson Daniel Page
Daniel Page Life Sketch
Information from hand written Life story of Daniel Page as told by his Grand Daughter Eulalia May Page Nielsen.
Daniel Page was my Grandfathers name. He was born in 1800 New Port, Cumberland County New Jersey. He married my Grand Mother Mary Socwell who was Born 26 April 1805 at Deviding Creek New Jersey. Eleven children were born to this union. Ruth Page B. 1 May 1823 at Turkey Point New Jersey. David Page B. 17 Nov. 1824 at New Port New Jersey. Daniel Page B. 23 June 1828 at New Port New Jersey. Joseph Page B. 6 Feb 1830 at New Port New Jersey. Lucy Ann Page B. 1831 at New Port New Jersey. Jonethan Socwell Page B. 4 June 1833 at New Port New Jersey. Mary Ellan Page B. 1 March 1835 at New Port New Jersey. George Washington Page B. 1836 New Port New Jersey. William Whitaker Page B. 15 Nov. 1939 at Manjunk New Jersey. Lorana Page B. 15 Feb 1843 New Port New Jersey. Jeramiah Page B. 6 June 1847 at Melville New Jersey. He owned a valueable estate, but through the dishonesty of his older brother he lost it.
My grandfather crossed the plains to Salt Lake City to live with his family where the Latter day saints headquarters were. He was 15 when they crossed the plains. Walked most of the way, sang hymns and danced to keep the spirits up.
Daniel Page was my Grandfathers name. He was born in 1800 New Port, Cumberland County New Jersey. He married my Grand Mother Mary Socwell who was Born 26 April 1805 at Deviding Creek New Jersey. Eleven children were born to this union. Ruth Page B. 1 May 1823 at Turkey Point New Jersey. David Page B. 17 Nov. 1824 at New Port New Jersey. Daniel Page B. 23 June 1828 at New Port New Jersey. Joseph Page B. 6 Feb 1830 at New Port New Jersey. Lucy Ann Page B. 1831 at New Port New Jersey. Jonethan Socwell Page B. 4 June 1833 at New Port New Jersey. Mary Ellan Page B. 1 March 1835 at New Port New Jersey. George Washington Page B. 1836 New Port New Jersey. William Whitaker Page B. 15 Nov. 1939 at Manjunk New Jersey. Lorana Page B. 15 Feb 1843 New Port New Jersey. Jeramiah Page B. 6 June 1847 at Melville New Jersey. He owned a valueable estate, but through the dishonesty of his older brother he lost it.
My grandfather crossed the plains to Salt Lake City to live with his family where the Latter day saints headquarters were. He was 15 when they crossed the plains. Walked most of the way, sang hymns and danced to keep the spirits up.
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