Alice had gone to Los Angeles, California to work as a nanny for a Mrs. Frame. It was her first time away from home of any great length. Then a terrible earthquake hit on March 10, 1933. It was a shocker not only for Alice but it it killed 115 people and caused millions of dollars in damage .
The following is a letter sent to Alice from her Grandmother Wilhelmina Morrison Ericksen. It is full of the spiritual strength and encouragement that Alice needed at that time. I have transcribed to letter below these copies. 

Mt. Pleasant Apr 16, /33
Dear Granddaughter Alice, I guess you will be somewhat surprised to get a letter from me , and while I am not in the mood for writing the last while I have thought much about you all during the terrible experience you have had to endure during your short while in California and the terrible shock that has come to us all since you left us. How little we know what the future has in store for us, or what one day from another will bring . How necessary it is to live near the Lord that we may be prepared to meet what ever comes and ask the Lord to help us with strength and fortitude to bear our grief and sorrow in all humility. for he alone can and is the only source to look to for solace. We must put our trust in him and live as he has planned for us in order to enjoy his blessings.
I have thought so much of you so far from home and among stranger it is an experience you will never forget, but remember you are not forgotten for my prayers ascend daily for your welfare as all others in like condition. The lord is ever ready to bless and sustain those in trouble and weakness. I am sure you have suffered through it all but when ones nerves give away, it is worse than pain. I can feel for you as I have had similar conditions in the past with weak nerves. Don't let that worry you although I know how hard it is to fight it off.
Margaret and Lon or Mr. Child (her friend) as Willa Rae calls him, he asked her the other day if she remembered him. "Yes of course, who am I?" "Margaret's friend " was his reply .
Have been home the past three days spending th U. vication, returns this p.m. train, so I am sure the folks have enjoyed their visit although as usual she has been busy, made herself a new dress and Lon has engaged himself doing a little work which I am sure will be appreciated by all . He has moved the barn and carried the light out to the yard now. Don't you think that will be nice for the folks as well as for the animals.
Well my paper is filling up and I don't know whether I am telling you anything you don't know. This is Easter. Gladys had to go to Fairview with Harry to attend Sunday School Convention being held there today. She only had to stay till noon so Chesley and I had the children. He went up at noon and brought her home. This afternoon they are out with all the little folk for a picnic. Kent, Willa Rae, Grand, Marjorie and Naoma, Maryland included as Mrs. Jacobsen has gon to Provo to attend the wedding of Ralph (What do you know?) Barbara was with the Dredge bunch.
Well now about myself, As you no doubt heard I was coughing with the other kids. Poor things, I don't know how they ever pull through. It certainly worked a hardship on me. I am glad to say that I am now improving, but it has left me feeling weak at times. I am hardly keep up. I must rest part of the day in order to keep able to help a little.
Grandpa complains a great deal, came home today from Sunday School quite sick. Uncle Chesley is not very well either, but glad he got over a spell we feared might be scarlet fever, but as he had it when a child, it did not prove to be so. He is working in the garden every day now fixing things nice. The storm is getting up and clouding . I guess we will have another storm. It is so dry and dirty now. Had a letter from Canada the other day. They had snow and wind aplenty as well, so cold and in some parts 4 1/2 feet of Snow.
Well dear Alice before I forget I want to thank you for the beautiful dress pattern you sent me. Hope I can do something nice for you some day and do try to keep up good will while you are there and tell the girls from there I think of them all and hope they will enjoy their stay in California, but good old Utah for me. Now be good to yourself and build up your nerves. I can feel for you. And thank Mrs. Frame for her kindness to you. Helping you over your sad moments when you were so bad. We all sorrow and mourn our loss. It seems terrible but must make the best of life. Sterling and the kids are living at home now, what a change for them. May the Lord bless you and give you strength to keep up. With much love and every blessing attend you. Affectionately, Grandma Ericksen.
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