The following information is taken from the book
"TheFamilyHistory of William Bristol,
Ane Marie Sophie Clausen,
Josph Cambron
and their descendents."
Written by Pat L. Bird Sagers
The pioneer Danish Saints that Ane traveled with made their final stop in Mount Pleasant, Utah, and as Ane was alone and without family, the Bishop of this community, Bishop William Seely (or Seeley), took Ane into his home, in Mt. Pleasant. Here Ane was taught to speak English, and to read and write, along with Bishop Seely’s own children.

Ane’s Genealogical Background
Ane’s mother, Mette Marie Iversdatter (Iversen) was born 13 September 1820 at Hatting, Vejle, Denmark to a husmaend or cottager, Iver Jensen and his first wife, Karen Jorgensdatter. The family moved to Hvirring, Skanderborg, Denmark where Mette’s father settled and remained, and where Mette’s mother died a month after giving birth to her sixth child 18 January 1831. Mette had four brothers and one sister. Mette was only nine years old when her mother died, and her father soon married again to Ane Kristine Pedersdatter (Nielsen), and they had three sons who all died within a month of their births, and Iver Jensen’s second wife died after ten years of marriage. Iver married a third time to Sophie Andersdatter (Andersen) and they had five children - two of which died in infancy and childhood.
Shortly after Mette’s father, Iver, and her stepmother, Sophie, had their first baby, Mette, herself, gave birth to a baby girl, born out of wedlock, by Jens Andersen. The baby was born and christened Else Kathrine Jensen, 31 March 1846 at Hvirring, Skanderborg, Denmark. Else Kathrine Jensen continued to live, and seems to have been raised in her grandfather’s (Iver Jensen) home, even after Mette Marie marries and moves away. Else is listed on the censuses as a ‘foster child’ and ‘foster daughter’ through the 1855 Censuses. On the 1860 Census, she is no longer listed and would have been 14 years old at that time. No further information is known about Else Kathrine Jensen.
When Mette Marie is 29 years old, and her daughter, Else, is four, she marries 42-year old Rasmus Jensen, 30 July 1850 there at Hvirring, Denmark. Rasmus was christened 12 July 1808 at Horsens, Skanderborg, Denmark, and his father is Jens Clausen and his mother is Ane Marie Jensdatter. It was the Danish custom for a child to take the father’s given (first) name as the child’s surname (last name), thus: Iver Jensen’s son’s surname would become Iversen, and his daughter’s surname would be Iversdatter (sometimes Iversen). For some reason this patronymic rule did not hold true for Rasmus, and he was known on some records by his father’s surname, as well as the patronymic surname of Jensen; therefore he was known as Rasmus Jensen and Rasmus Clausen. His first son was also known as Jens Rasmussen and Jens Clausen. Ane was also christened with two surnames - Jensen and Clausen. It was this reason that this line has been so difficult to research and extract correct information from, until help was obtained from a Danish Genealogist, Laura Hansen, in March 1980. (1)
Ane’s father, Rasmus Jensen or Clausen had been previously married to Ane Sophie Ernstdatter, and they had a son who was born 15 September 1842 and was named Jens Rasmussen (also Jens Clausen). Rasmus’ first wife died 26 September 1849 at Horsens, Denmark. Jens was about 8 years old when his father, Rasmus, married Mette Marie, and they continued to live in Horsens, which is the hometown of Rasmus and his folks. Jens is almost 10 years old when his half-sister (Ane) is born in their home.
Ane’s Early Childhood
Ane’s life began on the mainland (also known as Jylland or Jutland) of Denmark, in the village of Horsens, and county of Skanderborg. Ane was born to Rasmus Clausen (or Jensen) and Mette Marie Iversdatter (Iversen) on April 27, 1851, and christened Ane Marie Sophie Clausen (Jensen) on September 14, 1851.
Mette Marie and Rasmus’ last child, Carl (or Charles by the American pronunciation) had just been christened in the Lutheran Church (State Church of Denmark). Charles was born 4 September 1853 and christened Ole Carl Christian Clausen, February 26, 1854, in Horsens, Denmark. Mette Marie and Rasmus seemed to be living a happy and normal life, going through the routines of their daily tasks, and raising three of their children.
Mormon Missionaries
Several months later, Missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints traveled through the village of Horsens, and began preaching and spreading their message of a newly organized religion which had been restored to the earth through a prophet, Joseph Smith, in America. One day Mette Marie goes to the gathering place where the missionaries are teaching and delivering their gospel message to those who are willing to listen - and Mette listens.
Apparently Rasmus, and perhaps his 12 year old son Jens, were busy working, and preferred not to get involved with these strange preachers with their odd religious beliefs. Rasmus may have even openly and physically opposed the teachings of the missionaries, along with other members of angry mobs. However, Mette Marie listened to their teachings with an open heart and mind, and she felt that the things they were teaching were true. Mette must have had to face an anguishing realization that if she embraced the teachings of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, that life for her and her family would never again be the same. Yet, now that she had been taught a higher and better way of life, she knew she could not return to their old superstitious, crude, and fearful customs, even though her husband, Rasmus, most likely was bitterly opposed to her new ideas.
At the time Mette Marie was learning about the doctrine of this new church, was a time when the gospel was new in Denmark, and Satan was trying his best to stop the missionary work from progressing in this country, too.
Robert Mullen tells us concerning missionary work there that “ happened that about the same time the Saints were getting themselves established in the Great Basin, the Danes were adopting a new constitution. This provided more freedom of religion than had prevailed before, or at that time prevailed over much of Europe.” (2)
Van Cott, President of the Scandinavian Mission, adds a little more information concerning the general attitude and success in Denmark: “In Denmark, where we enjoy the greatest of religious liberty, the work has been under the necessity of taking ‘leg-bail’ for security, or seek to seclude themselves from the eyes of demons in human shape, in order to escape their vengeful hands, yet sometimes not without a garment rent, an arm wrenched, or a bloody face.
Our meetings, as a general thing, are well attended by strangers, many of whom listen with apparent interest, and many are investigating the doctrines as taught by the Latter-day Saints. The Spirit of the Lord is at work upon the hearts of the honest, and preparing the way for the reception of the truth.” (3)
This must have been a very difficult time for Mette Marie, for it appears that she had to make a decision between two important choices – he husband and this new religion. Mette Marie chose to accept the Gospel, and repented from all her past mistakes, and was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 29 July 1854 by H.P. Olsen, and confirmed 30 July 1854 by J. Jensen. (1)
Mette Marie and Rasmus’ children were still tiny children and didn’t understand the reasons and conflicts that tore their family apart. Ane was three years old, and Carl was only ten months old at the time of Mette Marie’s baptism.
The following year, in the Census of 1855 in the city of Horsens, the following was recorded: “Rasmus Jensen, a widower, age 49, born at Horsens, and his son, Jens Rasmussen Clausen, age 12, also born at Horsens.” From studying the census and parish records, it appears that after Ane’s mother joined the Church, her parents separated and no longer lived together. Ane’s father begins calling himself a widower, and kept his son from his first marriage, and Mette Marie took their other two children with her. Mette Marie was not listed on the Horsens 1855 Census, and she was not found living at her father’s home.
The LDS Church Branch Records of Horsens states: “Blessed, 5 August 1855, by H.P. Olsen, children of Rasmus Jensen or Clausen and Marie Iversen: Ane Marie Sophie Clausen born 27 April 185– [1] (last number missing), and Ole Carl Christian Clausen, born 4 September 1853". Rasmus Clausen (Jensen) was not recorded, his son, Jens, was not recorded, and Mette Marie’s daughter, Else Kathrine Jensen, was not recorded in any of the Horsens Branch records. The Danish LDS Branch records are not complete and many are missing, for instance the years where Ane was supposed to have been baptized.
Spirit Of Gathering
The Spirit of the Lord had worked upon the hearts of many Danes, and many were converted to the Mormon faith despite their opposition. According to Andrew Jensen, in the years of 1861-1862 there was a common desire among the saints from the conferences throughout Denmark, Sweden and Norway to emigrate to America and join the main body of the Church that was now located in the mountains of Utah. Hundreds of Saints began selling their homes and possessions and making preparations to emigrate. Leaders of the Mormon Church had made a contract with Robert M. Sloman of Hamburg, Germany to carry the Mormon emigrants from the port of Hamburg to New York. (4)
In the spring of 1862 small coastal ships wound in and out of the Scandinavian harbors, gathering up the emigrants and their baggage. This was the year when Mette Marie most likely sold a few more of her remaining possessions, and probably labored hard to earn enough money in order to send one of her children to America with the Mormon Saints. Mette Marie and her son, Ole Carl Christian Clausen probably bade Ane a tearful farewell there in the harbor near Horsens, with a promise that they too would join her some day in Utah, when they had earned enough money to make the long trip. Most likely, Mette Marie arranged for some friends or returning missionaries to look after, and take care of, her 11 year old daughter until she arrived at her destination in Utah.
Emigration to America on Ship Humboldt
The small ships, loaded with Scandinavian emigrants, made their way to the great port of Hamburg, Germany, where they were re-grouped at intervals into the 4 large, full-rigged sailing vessels – the ‘Humboldt’, the ‘Franklin’, the ‘Athena’, and the ‘Electric’ laying in the Elbe River. (5)
Emigrants who were assigned to the ships ‘Humboldt’ and ‘Franklin’ went on board in the evening of April 8, 1862. Ane was a passenger on the ship ‘Humboldt’, and it was the first ship to set sail for America. It sailed from Hamburg, on Wednesday, April 9, with 323 emigrating saints. The company leader of ‘Humboldt’ was Hans Christian Hansen, who had just completed a mission to his native land of Denmark and was earning his passageway to America as a sailor. The captain of the Humboldt was Capt. H. B. Boysen. (4)
Ane was listed in the Emigration and Crossing the Ocean Records as: “Clausen, Ane Marie S. (11) from Jutland [mainland], Denmark, 1862: April 8. Sailed from Hamburg, Germany on ship “Humboldt”, and arrived at New York, May 20th.” She was listed as number 1188 - alone.
The other three ships left Germany at intervals during that month, all four ships taking a total of 1,556 Scandinavian emigrants to America – this was the greatest number of saints to emigrate at one time in the history of the Mormon Church. (4)
According to Jens Weibye’s Diary this was a menu on the ship “Franklin” and was probably an example of the menus on all the ships: “Sunday, sweet soup; Monday: pea soup; Tuesday and Wednesday: rice; Thursday: pea soup; Friday: barley must; Saturday; herring and potatoes.” They were placed on rations and only the old and sick were allowed wheat bread. The captain was good to the Saints. Reveille was sounded for rising at five o’clock each morning on either a clarinet or accordion. Everyone had to be on deck for prayer at seven o’clock. They danced and had many good times; however, early in the voyage an epidemic of measles broke out which caused many deaths, especially among the children.” (4)
Castle Garden, New York - America
Ane must have been very happy and excited when they finally landed in the New York harbor after sailing on the crowded ‘Humboldt’ for over 1 ½ months. Carter tells us that: “As the Danish Saints who came in 1862 were soon to learn, New York was not America, but it was part of the spirit of America – big, garrulous, bustling, noisy. Great buildings, massive piles of masonry blacked with soot, a narrow neck of land skirted by two rivers pouring into the ocean, making a natural harbor; it was impressive. (5)
After the emigrants landed in New York, they were placed on a transport steamer and dispatched at Castle Garden, a large round building, where all the emigrants were processed and welcomed by the former Scandinavian Mission President John Van Cott and Elder Charles C. Rich of the Council of the Twelve and other brethren. (3) & (4)
James Weibye states in his diary that after the emigrants were processed, they all walked through the streets of New York. As these quiet, humble and organized Mormon Danish emigrants walked through the streets of New York for the train station, jeering observers pointed at them and shouted: “Jews,” “Jews,” “Jews!” (6) Ane, and the other Danish Mormon’s were very puzzled at the bad reception they got from the Americans.
The ‘emigrants’ now became ‘immigrants’ as they began their journey from New York to Utah. They boarded the train to start their long journey - via Albany, Niagara Falls, Canada, Detroit and Chicago to Quincy, Illinois. From Quincy, Illinois they went by steam boat across the Mississippi River to Hannibal, Missouri, and again by train to St. Joseph, Missouri, and then they steamed up the Missouri River to Florence, Nebraska.
Florence, Nebraska was sort of a rendevous point where the four different companies, the ‘Humboldt’, ‘Franklin’, ‘Athena’, and the ‘Electric’ met and were reorganized and regrouped into companies to cross the plains.
Weibye’s Diary (6) also adds that North of Florence they set their tents up for the first time. Here, at Florence each person received his provisions for crossing the plains. Some of the items they received included flour, dried apples, axle grease, and even glasses to protect their eyes from the dusty trails along with their wagons and oxen.
Before they broke up camp to begin their journey across the plains, a terrible tornado, accompanied by rain, thunder, and lightning visited the vicinity. It killed two men and injured others. The tents and wagon covers of one company were badly torn and shattered. Weibye tells us that “We Danes have never seen such a storm, for the sky was almost like an ocean of fire.” (6)
Ane Crosses the Plains
Our eleven year old Ane was now assigned to the John D. Murdock’s Wagon train Company, and was probably still traveling with the same friends of the family. For the first few days each company would have a few problems with their oxen as they weren’t used to the Scandinavian’s orders and management, and would leave the road and run away with the wagons, but after a few days practice things improved.
Jensen continues to tell us that, “The journey from Florence was via Elkhorn River, Loup Fork, Wood River, Willow Lake, Rattlesnake Creek, Fort Laramie, Upper Platte Bridge, Devil’s Gate, South Pass, Green River, etc. to Salt Lake City.” (4)
James Bryant, an 1862 pioneer that was in the same John Murdock Company with Ane, tells us that when their company reached the eastern part of Wyoming, they experienced another bad storm with strong winds. They passed thousands of head of buffalo during their journey. Captain Murdock would order the company to halt until they rushed past, and he said it was a bad policy to split the herd. It was the children’s duty to collect buffalo chips for fuel along the trail, unless they were lucky enough to find wood or timber. They also burned sage brush. When they came to rivers and streams they all waded across, unless it was too deep, and a horse had to swim, then they would make camp, some times for 10 days, in order to make rafts or floats to enable everything to be taken to the opposite side. (5)
The following story was told by Ane’s granddaughter, Dorthell Bristol Blanchard, of an incident that Ane remembered happening on the Platte River.
“Grandma told of standing on the bank of a large river, waiting to be helped across, as she had been instructed to do. She looked up to see a tall man and woman standing close beside her. The man was telling his wife that she must go on without him, because he was too sick and weak to cross the river. The woman insisted that she would not go and leave him on the other side of the river. Instead, she stooped in front of him, pulled his arms over her shoulders and half carrying and half dragging, she started into the water. Help finally came and they arrived safely on the other side.
The next morning Grandma felt a hush about the camp, and was soon to learn the reason for this. This same man that she had stood beside on the bank of the river with the evening before, had died early in the night. The wife had said that she didn’t know what to do because she didn’t want to awaken others as they needed all the sleep and rest they could get, so she had just laid beside her dead husband’s body all night thinking of what she would do now! That morning he was buried, and they resumed their journey. “ (8)
They left Florence (now Omaha), Nebraska on July 24th, 1862, with 700 people in their wagon train. They arrived in the Great Salt Lake Valley on September 27th, 1862. At this point we found record of Ane in the Utah Immigration records as: “Clowson, Ann, 1862, Sept. 27 arrived in the G.S.L. City in Capt. John R. Murdock’s Ox Train.” (7)
After resting a few days, the instructions to almost all the Danish emigrants was to go south, and make their homes in Sanpete County.
Life With The Seely (Seeley) Family
The instructions to almost all the 1862 Danish immigrants was to go south to Sanpete County to make their homes, and they willingly complied. The pioneer Danish Saints that Ane traveled with made their final stop in Mount Pleasant, Utah, and as Ane was alone and without family, the Bishop of this community, Bishop William Seely (or Seeley), took Ane into his home, in Mt. Pleasant. Here Ane was taught to speak English, and to read and write, along with Bishop Seely’s own children. It was nine years later (1871) before Ane’s mother and brother could emigrate to Utah. Some records indicate that she never saw her mother again, but she probably saw her younger brother.
Not long after Ane was settled in her new foster home, trouble with the Indians flared up again. This was probably a very terrifying, puzzling and yet exciting time that was often mixed with pangs of homesickness for her own family. Here she was, a very young lady without her family, trying to learn to speak and understand English, and having to experience and witness the native American Indians when they were murdering, plundering and seeking revenge on the Utah Mormons so brutally.
According to Andrew Madsen’s story, the Black Hawk Indian troubles began during the spring of 1865, and at this time William Seeley was a Major in the Mt. Pleasant Militia, thus, Ane must have had first-hand experience and knowledge of the functioning of the Military from her home with the Seeleys. Madsen’s story for the following year continues:
“During the month of May the Indians became very hostile and it was deemed best to have all the settlers of Fairview move to Mt. Pleasant for protection. Teams were sent there and every family was brought down in one day and located within the fort, and our homes were opened to receive them.” (9)
Ane continues to live with the Seeley family for the next five years. In some records Ane is even referred to as “Annie Seeley”. At this point the spelling of her name was probably to an English version, and spelled as “Annie” throughout the rest of her life.
Shot By Indians Arrows
A fun story about Ane was told to me by Aunt Dothell Blanchard. She said that her father use to tell her this story about his mother, when she was in her teens. I tried to prove or disprove the story, but could not do so; however, I believe most of the story is probably true. It goes like this:
Children and youth, as well as the adults, were expected to help with the hard work of clearing lands for planting crops, etc. One day Ane was working in the fields beside a man and his wife, clearing sagebrush. This couple had a tiny baby and they were afraid they would not be able to find the baby quickly in the event that it might be necessary, so they laid the sleeping baby by a nearby fence line while they worked.
Ane happened to look up to see some Indians sneaking towards them, creeping into the fields at different angles. Ane was frightened and not knowing quite what to do, screamed “Indians!” Since she happened to be close to the fence, she ran for the baby, swept it up into her arms, and ran as fast as she could towards the fort (or place of safety). At one point she felt something hit her in the neck, but she kept running. She put her hand up to her throat, to find it bleeding.
Some other men had seen what was happening and came to help. One man took Annie and the baby into the fort, and found that she had been hit by an Indian’s arrow. The arrow had just barely cut through the skin on her neck, not doing any serious damage, but leaving a bad, ugly scar on her neck for the rest of her life. It has been said that Ane was always self-conscious of this scar, so she always wore high collared dresses to cover the scar. Also, an arrow was still embedded in her long skirt, which they gave Ane to keep. (Another grand-daughter told me that Ane had saved this skirt, and when they were kids, they liked to go into their Grandma Ane’s closet and find the long skirt with the holes in it from the Indian’s arrow.)
The baby’s parents were supposed to have been killed in this ambush. Aunt Dothell continued her story by adding: “The people at the fort praised Ane for saving the baby’s life, and told her she could care for it as her own, and this she did until she married Grandpa Bristol.”
*(I’m not sure how accurate that last part is, or who she turned the baby over to afterwards, etc.?)
Ane’s First Marriage to a Polygamist
When Ane turned 16 years old, it seems that she was married off into a polygamist marriage to a 65 year old man from Norway, named Hans Gulbrandsen. Ane may have felt obligated to marry him, so that the Seeley family didn’t have to support her any longer, but it was NOT a marriage of her choice. They traveled all the way to Salt Lake City where Ane was married to Hans Gulbransen, and sealed to him, in the Endowment House on July 6, 1867, by Wilford Woodruff. (10) It wasn’t long after the marriage took place, that Ane ran away from Hans and this plural marriage. Their marriage and sealing was later cancelled in the Endowment House records on 30 July 1870 - a couple years after Ane was already re-married to William Bristol. (10) No children were born to that first marriage that ended very abruptly.
William Bristol ~ A Husband of Choice
There was little information about William’s mother, Elizabeth (Betsey) Depotty. When she was 17 or 18 years old, she met and married a man whose last name was Briscoe or Bristol, and the marriage probably took place about 1839, in Niagara, Ontario, Canada where Betsey was living with her mother, Mary Froeman Depotty, following the death of her father, Michael Depotty in 1825. Nothing is known about William’s father, but he apparently died soon after they were married. William was born to this union about 1840.
A year later, about 1841, William’s mother, Elizabeth, marries Christopher Fuller, at Niagara, Canada. William Bristol was raised by Christopher Fuller and probably considered him as his father, even though he retained his Bristol surname. Elizabeth Depotty Bristol and Christopher Fuller have six more children over the next eighteen years. The following five children , William’s half-brothers and sisters, were all born in Canada: Barbara Ellen born 16 April 1843; Mary Jane born 14 June 1845; Isaac born 14 Feb 1848; Martha Ann born 17 November 1852; and Daniel Fuller born 21 June 1854.
Mormon Missionaries come to Canada, and one of the families they convert was the Christopher Fuller family. On December 1844, Christopher and Elizabeth were baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but they continued to live in various places in Canada for the next fifteen years or so.
After missionaries encourage the Fullers to come to Utah and join with the Saints there, they made their final preparations and rendezvous with other Latter-day Saints in Missouri. On the 1860 Census they were living in Rockport, Atchison County, Missouri, and living near to them are other Fuller and Depotty relatives. It seems that the Fuller family have lived in Rockport for several years, perhaps trying to earn enough money to outfit themselves for the long trek across the plains. Meanwhile, during their stay in Rockport, Christopher and Elizabeth are blessed with the birth of their last child, Margaret Emma Fuller, who was born there 7 July 1861.
The Fullers Emigrate to Utah on the Lewis Brunson Company or 1862
In the Spring of 1862, The Fullers made their way to Florence, Nebraska and are prepared to travel by wagon train to Utah. They are assigned to the Lewis Brunson Company. They made their
departure on 14 June 1862. There were 212 individuals and 48 wagons were in the company when it began its journey from the outfitting post at Florence, Nebraska (now Omaha).
It took the family a little over 2 months for their journey across the plains. They must have been overjoyed when they arrived in the Great Salt Lake City on 29 August 1862. By 1862 the Salt Lake Valley had been growing and progressing for 15 years. It must have been very thrilling sight, with the mountains looming in the background of this your growing, bustling city in the desert.
The Christopher Fuller family didn’t stay very long in Salt Lake City. They were probably anxious to join Christopher’s sister, and her family, Mary Maria Fuller and Daniel Cook, who came to Utah 12 years earlier, in October 1850. The Cook family had spent at least their first year in Tooele, and then moved to Nephi, where they had made their first home. Other relatives were also living in the Nephi, Utah area.
Ane and William Bristol - Juab County, Utah
We aren’t quite sure how Ane, who once resided in Mt. Pleasant, met our great-grandfather, William Bristol, who was living with his mother and step-father (Elizabeth and Christopher Fuller), 30 miles away, in Nephi, Utah. There are a few possibilities of how they might have become acquainted - 1) The William Seeley family, that Ane lived within Mount Pleasant, was also from the same area of Upper Canada as the Fullers (and William Bristol), so they may have known each other in Canada. 2) Another possibility is that both Ane and the Fuller (Bristol) family all crossed the plains in 1862, and perhaps somehow, Ane was a friend with some of William’s half-sisters; however they were in different Wagon Train Companies, so it’s not very likely that they crossed paths. 3) One other possibility is that William Seeley was a Major in the Mt. Pleasant Militia, and the Black Hawk treaty was signed in his home, and perhaps William Bristol had visited the Seeley home as a member of the Militia from Nephi since all eligible young men were actively involved in various militias. I wish we knew for sure, but we just have to wonder and speculate.
When Ane ran away from Hans Gulbrandsen, and her Mt. Pleasant family, it appears that she went to Nephi, and lived with the Fuller family for a short while before marrying William Bristol. Regardless of how they met, it was for love that Ane married William, and they were probably married about 1868 - and it was about this time that William started going by his ‘Bristol’ surname.
On the 1870 Census in Nephi, Utah - Ane is listed as “Anna Fuller”, living with the Fuller family. William Bristol is working for the Charles Foote family, and seems to be living on their farm with them, and whoever gave his information called him ‘William Fuller’. William probably went home to his wife who was living with the Fullers on weekends or as often as possible.
It was about this time when the news and fame of the Eureka, Utah’s gold and silver mines spread far and wide, and miners, prospectors, and people with things to sell began flocking to the Eureka area. William and Ane probably got caught up with the gold fever stories, and William decided to try his hand at mining. They were living in Tintic, Utah when their first child, Emma Elizabeth Bristol was born April 15, 1871.
Then William seems to give up the gold and silver mining, and moves his little family back to Nephi, before the births of their next two children, Margaret Ann Bristol - born 2 August 1872; and, Charles William Bristol-born 25 November 1873 were born in Nephi, Utah. Or perhaps that was why they moved back to Nephi, so that Ane could be near William’s family to help when their next babies were born.
Winter - William’s Final Season
Things seemed to be going good for William and Ane and their little family. Ane was pregnant with my grandfather, Christopher Columbus Bristol when tragedy struck this family in the winter of 1874/1875 while William seems to have been working in the mines. Family tradition tell the story this way: At some designated spot, William was suppose to have met two men with a horse and wagon and they were all going to ride down off the mountain road together, and William would catch the train back to Nephi. It was wintertime, and probably cold and snowy, and William must have sat down in a protected area to wait for his wagon ride, and perhaps after a long days hard work, he fell asleep. Anyway, for some reason he missed his wagon ride to the train station, and when they found him, he had frozen to death.
Ane gave birth to their last child, Christopher Columbus Bristol (my grandfather), on April 17, 1875 in Nephi, Utah. William’s family, the Fullers, were most likely there to help Ane, and our grandfather was most likely named after William Bristol’s step-father, Christopher Fuller, who William Bristol learned to love and think of him as his own father.
Joseph Cambron ~ A New Husband For Ane
Less than a year later, after Christopher was born, Ane married a miner, from the Eastern states, whose name was Joseph Cambron. Joseph Cambron was born 16 July 1836 in Kentucky. His parents, Anna Ashbaugh and Benedict Cambron moved to Illinois, where most of Joseph’s siblings were born.
Ane probably already was acquainted with Joseph Cambron before William Bristol died. And, William and Joseph Cambron may have worked together as miners. Joseph Cambron was not LDS, and probably came to Utah by train, and went to the gold and silver mines in Eureka, Utah to work. Joseph was about 39 years old and Ane was 24 when they married in early in 1876 - a short while after William Bristol died.
Ane and Joseph lived in Eureka, where Joseph was a miner, but he apparently began having health problems, and was unable to work full time. On the 1880 Census it was reported that he only worked 5 months of that year. It was probably about this time that Ane began cooking and running a boarding house to help out.
Joseph and Ane Cambron had the following 5 children: Josephine Cambron - born 25 November 1876 at Mammoth, Juab Co; Evelyn Cambron - born 13 December 1878 at Eureka; Electa Pearl Cambron - born 6 March 1880 at Eureka; Patrick Henry Cambron - born 17 December 1882 at Eureka; and Abbie Gill Cambron - born 24 November 1884 at Nephi, Utah.
Then tragedy struck the home of Ane and her family, again. Ane and Joseph Cambron’s 6 year old daughter, Electa Pearl Cambron, died in November 1886, and a few months later, Ane’s husband, Joseph Cambron got *miners consumption and died sometime in 1887. He was only about 52 years old at the time of his death. Ane is left alone again - but now she is responsible for eight children to support and take care of.
*(NOTE: Miners Consumption ('s+consumption?)
Pneumoconiosis [noo”mo-ko”ne-ósis]
Any of a group of lung diseases resulting from inhalation of particles of industrial substances, particularly inorganic dusts such as the dust of iron ore or coal, and permanent deposition of substantial amounts of such particles in the lungs. The diseases vary in severity but all are occupational diseases, acquired by workers in the course of their jobs. Symptoms include shortness of breath, chronic cough, and expectoration of mucus containing the offending particles.)
Charles Rambo - Hero or Villain?
Less than three years after Joseph Cambron’s death, Ane meets another man by the name of Charles Rambo. He was a carpenter and a mason by trade, and he is 17 years younger than Ane. Charles Rambo was born 16 April 1868 in New York City, New York to Stephen and Lucinda Packard Rambo.
They were married January 17, 1891 in Nephi, Utah. And according to a family story that have been handed down thru the generations, Charley was intoxicated on their wedding day, and thought he was marrying one of Ane’s daughters, when instead he married Ane. (11) If this is true, then Ane and Charlie Rambo must not have known each other very well or for very long - and was perhaps a spur-of-the- moment ceremony?
Mt. Pleasant, Utah - Ane’s Final Home
Sometime during the five year period of time when Ane marries Charles Rambo in 1891, and when her daughter, Evelyn Cambron marries in 1896, Ane moves her family from Nephi - in Juab County, back over to Mt. Pleasant - in Sanpete County - where Ane grew from a youth to a young woman.
Ane’s own children are growing up and marrying, and she soon becomes a ‘grandmother’. She bought some property in Mt. Pleasasnt on February 28, 1900, for seventy-five dollars, and the Warranty Deed is in Ane’s name only. In 1904 she sells a piece of her land as a right-of-way to the Mt. Pleasant Mill and Power Company. Charles and Ane lived in a home just east of the mill. In 1911, Ane buys some more property.
Ane had made a commitment, and she tried her best to make things work out, even if they weren’t happy. Sometimes decisions are made out of necessity. Ane lived through 38 years of marriage to Charles Rambo, until Ane, herself, died of old age in Mt. Pleasant, Utah, on November 4, 1929. She is buried in the Mt. Pleasant Cemetery.
To me, Charles was more of a villain than a hero. One grand-daughter (12) described Charley as a big, huskily built man, and the grandchildren were all afraid of him. Whenever the grand-kids would go to visit their grandmother, they would stand outside the gate and yell for their grandmother Ane. Charles drank a lot, he was mean, and he didn’t like children.
Ane’s boys, including my own Grandpa, Christopher Columbus Bristol, left home at a young ages, after Charles Rambo became their step-father. It was reported that Charles traveled around a lot. His marriage to Ane was probably Charles’ only marriage, and apparently he never had any children of his own.
New Home Town For Charles Rambo
After Ane died, Charley sells her property, and moved to the Beaver, Utah area. A story which has been handed down, said that Charles Rambo took a great interest in and liking for one of his step-son’s (Pat Cambron) wife, Elvira Monsen Cambron - even while he was married to Ane. Apparently Charley and Elvira both had a mutual attraction towards each other, which caused a lot of hard feelings within the family for many years, and Elvira and Pat divorced because of that relationship. Elvira was living with Charles Rambo in Beaver, Utah when he died on June 15, 1945. Elvira Cambron was the informant on his Death Certificate. Charles Rambo was buried in the Mt. Pleasant, Utah Cemetery next to Ane; however, no headstone marks his grave.
*(NOTE: After a new headstone was purchased by the Lillian Bristol and Leroy Bird family in 2013 - Annie's old headstone was moved over to the grave of Charles Rambo.)
Ane was a ‘survivor’ - and she survived many trials throughout her life. She crossed the ocean and plains by herself as an 11 year old child - to live in a foreign land with a foreign family. She had to learn to read and write the English language. She lived through the terrifying Black Hawk Indian War. Ane was persuaded to marry into polygamy as a sixteen year old girl to a forty four year old man. When she realized that she could not live her life with a man she did not love, she left him immediately - even though divorce was frowned upon in those early pioneer years. She lost her next husband - the love of her life, tragically when he froze to death. After re-marrying, she also had to care for and bury her next husband. She went through childbirth with nine children, and the death of one of her daughters at a young age.
After her own children are married, she survives the heart-breaks of witnessing the deaths of at least twenty grandchildren, her oldest daughter, and a son-in-law. Some of her grandchildren’s deaths were very violent ones, and would have been hard to understand – such as a drowning, two grandsons being burned to death in a barn fire, and another being gored to death by a bull.
Ane’s life seemed to be one trial after another..... but Ane was a fighter - and a survivor!
*POSTSCRIPT - At a final Lillian Bristol and Leroy Bird Family Reunion in July 2013, we raised enough money to buy Ane a nicer headstone, with her full name, and birth and death dates on it.
*(NOTE: This history was taken from my book: “The Family History of William Bristol, Ane Marie Sophie Clausen, Joseph Cambron, And Their Descendants”, by Pat L. Bird Sagers. The ISDUP has a copy of this book, but the histories in that book were not cross-referenced to the ISDUP History section, so I felt that Ane’s descendants should have access to Ane’s history in the History Department, also. See the book for complete histories of Ane and her descendants.)
1. Danish Genealogist, Laura Hansen. She was principal source of information concerning Ane Marie Sophie Clausen and her family while in Denmark - she translated information from censuses and LDS Church records in March 1980.
2. Robert Mullen. The Latter-day Saints: The Mormons Yesterday and Today. (N.Y. Doubleday & Co., 1966), p.119.
3. President Van Cott as quoted in Andrew Jensen’s History of Scandinavian Mission (Deseret News Press, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1927), p. 160.
4. Andrew Jensen, comp., History of the Scandinavian Mission, (Deseret News Press, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1927), pp. 160-167.
5. Kate B. Carter, comp., ‘They Came in 1862', Our Pioneer Heritage, vol. 6, (Daughters of Utah Pioneers, 1963).
6. Jens Weibye Diary, 31 May 1862.
7. Crossing the Plains Index, Genealogical Society film #298,440.
8. Story told by Dorthell Bristol Blanchard, granddaughter of Ane Marie Sophie Clausen.
9. Kate B. Carter, Comp., “The Black Hawk Indian War, Andrew Madsen’s Story”, Our Pioneer Heritage, Vol. 9, (Daughters of Utah Pioneers, 1963), pg. 181.
10. Endowment House Records, Special Collections Department, Sealing Records under date: 6 July 1867; and Cancellation Records: 30 July 1870, for Han Gulbransen and Anna Maria Sophia Clarsen [Clausen].
11. Story about Ane’s wedding to Charles Rambo, told by her grand-daughter, Karolyn Bristol East.
12. Description of Charles Rambo, told by Ane’s grand-daughter, Ruth Ann Renburg Nay.
The Humboldt was built in Germany
Ship: 789 tons: 157' x 32' x 22'
Built: 1853 by A. Meyer at Lubeck (Germany)
A German ship, the Humboldt carried two companies of Scandinavian Mormons to America. In each case, the emigrants assembled at Hamburg and from that port embarked on this square-rigger. Shipmaster was Captain H. D. Boysen, who commanded the vessel from 1858 to 1866.
The first company of 323 Saints departed on 9 April 1862 under the leadership of Elder Hans Christian Hansen, a returning missionary. The voyage was described as successful, although fourteen died at sea and on the land journey to Florence, Nebraska. The ocean crossing to New York required forty-one days before the ship docked on 20 May.
The second company of 328 Saints left Hamburg on 2 June 1866 under the presidency of Elder George M. Brown, a returning missionary, and his counselors, Elders Sven S. Jonasson and Christian Hansen. The ship arrived at New York on 18 July, a passage of forty-six days. During the voyage two adults and three children died. Olaf Jensen, a steerage passenger, described the crossing:
The food on the boat consisted of soup, potatoes, beans, fish, bread, or hardtack biscuits. The cooking was done in iron pots so large the cook could get inside. No bread was made on the ship, the biscuits having been made months before and were extremely hard and dry. The potatoes were sour and soggy. The drinking water was taken from the River Elbe, in Germany, put in wooden barrels, that had been burned on the inside, and was as black as coal, when we drank it. Water was also put in large iron barrels, holding about five hundred gallons, and when the water from the wooden barrels was exhausted, the water from the iron barrels was used. This was red with rust. Pigs would object to the food and water but had to take it.
The beds on the ship were made of common lumber, with room for four in width and were two tiers high.... We had good trip except for fog as we neared the Newfoundland Coast, where another sailing vessel ran into us causing slight damage to our ship. When we were in mid-ocean, I did a boyish prank. Outside under the bow of the vessel, where anchor and chains are hung, I ventured out unknown to my parents or anyone else, I sat there for some time and I was able to see beneath a part of the vessel as the boat plowed through the ocean. This was a very dangerous thing for me to do. Had I slipped and fallen into the ocean, no one would have known what had become of me. But I climbed back safely. We were six weeks crossing the Atlantic Ocean and were glad when we reached Castle Garden, New York, where we stayed for three days. We all had to pass a doctor's inspection before landing.
Shortly after this voyage-possibly on her return trip the Humboldt was lost. The vessel was owned at this time by Robert M. Slomann of Hamburg. Her sailing life was thirteen years before her end in 1866.
Thank you for every other informative blog. Where else may just I am getting that kind of information written in such a perfect approach?
I have a undertaking that I am simply now working on, and I've been at the look out for such information.
Great info! I believe we are cousin's on my mother's side. How can I get a copy of your works?
How can I get a copy of your works? Ane is my ancestor as well and I came upon your works while doing genealogical research. I look forward to hearing from you! is my email i am gloria may Eldredge daughter anna maria was my great grandmother
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