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Queen City Bottling Co. |
Queen City Bottling Co. , Queen City Creamery and Cheese, Queen City Dance Hall, Court Queen City Ancient Order Foresters, Queen City Roller Mills, Queen City Bookstore,
The information below is taken from "History of Sanpete and Emery Counties"
MOUNT PLEASANT, as the name implies, is situ-
ated upon a pleasant elevation, near the center
of the famous '"Granary of Utah," twenty-five miles
north of Manti and 100 miles south of Salt Lake City.
The site was selected by the early pioneers of Sanpete
county as the most delightful and commanding location
for an important commercial metropolis, and its rapid
growth and permanent development fully demonstrates
that the locators were not deceived. In the early spring
of 1852 a company of the veterans of '49, from Manti,
camped upon the ground now included in Mt. Pleasant,
and began the building of the ''Queen City of Sanpete."
The colonists were commanded by Madison D. Hamil-
ton, who erected a saw mill and began to cut lumber
for building houses. In 1853 the Indians attacked the
colonists and drove away some cattle. The colony was
reinforced by militiamen from Utah county and assisted
in harvesting their grain, when the settlement was
The municipal affairs have been wisely and econ-
omically administered by competent men who have la-
bored incessantly to make of the city what her inhabi-
tants justly claim, "The Queen City of Sanpete." The
city has clean, broad streets; excellent water for culi-
nary, domestic and irrigation purposes; splendid power
for mills and factories; fine school houses and well-in-
formed teachers; beautiful lawns and prolific orchards
and gardens; elegant mansions, the homes of wealthy
and energetic citizens; perfect electric light system; en-
terprising and public-spirited business men, conducting
complete mercantile houses; modern and well-equipped
roller mills; first class hotels; well conducted newspa-
per; solid and reliable banking institution; best market
and mail facilities, furnished by a modern railway; well
regulated lodges, representing the most prominent fra-
ternal organizations; capable and competent attorneys,
physicians and professional men; good churches and
auxiliary societies; and all that goes to make up a com-
mercial metropolis of a county like Sanpete.
Another equally representative and important wool
shipping concern is the Union Wool and Live Stock
Commission company, organized after the Mt. Pleasant
This company handles all that is implied in
its name, with perfect satisfaction to its customers and
stockholders. The concern is composed of reliable bus-
iness men, interested in the success of the Queen City as
the commercial center of Central Utah. The officers and
directors are: Andrew Madsen, president; N. P. Neil-
son, vice president; Neal M. Madsen, secrtary, with J.
D. Page, Simon T. Beck and A. J. Aagard. This com-
pany is not local in its dealings nor its official directory,
but extends its business operations over Sanpete county
and throughout Central and Southern Utah.
The Union Mercantile company is a prominent con-
cern, which in connection with dealing in general mer-
chandise, conducts the Mt. Pleasant creamery. This firm
does an extensive business at home and abroad. The
Queen City butter and cheese commands first class
prices wherever exhibited. Ole Hansen manages the
creameryand Neal M. Madsen the store, of which Peter
Matson is secretaiy and treasurer.
The newspaper business in Mt. Pleasant is well rep-
resented in the Pyramid, a weekly publication, issued
eyery Thursday by the Pyramid Publishing Company,
under the management of J. M. Boyden. This venture
was started by A. B. Williams in November, 1890, and
has continued to increase in usefulness as a public edu-
cator since the first issue appeared. It is a non-partisan,
strictly local newspaper and devoted to the upbuilding
of the Queen City and the county of Sanpete. The Pyra-
mid is deserving of local patronage and is an index to
the push, vim and enterprise of the business interests of
the city. Its plant is not extensive, but will grow with
the financial development of the city and the amount of
increasing publicity demanded by the ever vigilant and
progressive managers of mercantile institutions.
In 1??? the Rio Grande Western railroad was com-
pleted to 3It. Pleasant and this city put on the highway
of commercial prosperity. New enterprises were opened,
dormant natural resources developed and a cash market
assured for all products of the farm and the herds and
flocks in the mountains. From that date to the present
financial advancement has been general, new modern
residences have been erected, fine mercantile houses con-
structed, the entire city lighted by electricity and a per-
fect mountain metropolis created. The shipments of
wool, sheep, cattle, lumber and grain from this place to
outside markets aggregate many trainloads yearly and
the cash returns divided among those interested pour
into the Queen City a volume of money sufficient to main-
tain a city of double proportions. With unlimited re»
sources and such energetic business men as Mt. Pleasant
has, the future growth to a great commercial mart is
but a question of time.
Mt. Pleasant Lodge Xo. 22, Ancient Order United
Workmen, was organized with a good membership a few
years ago, and now contains mam^ of the leading men of
this city and neighboring towns. regular meetings are
held every week on Monday evenings. A. H. Maiben is
Master Workman and L. S. Thompson secretary. This
order lost an esteemed member in Sheriff James Burns,
who was murdered while performing his duties, and its
fraternal benefits were shown in the payment of a $2,000
policy to his widow. Damascus Lodge Xo. 10, Free and
Accepted Masons, organized in 1895, has regular com-
munications at Masonic Hall on second and fourth Satur-
days in each month. H. V. Oassiday is W. M. and A. G.
Sutherland secretary. This order has members located
throughout the county and numbers some of the most
influential citizens. Court Queen City No. 8543,
Ancient Order Foresters of America, was organized
Feb. 19, 1895, with twenty members
Erickson, JOHN N., postmaster, son of Peter J. and
Christina, was born in Mt. Pleasant September 20,
1870. His parents came from Sweden and located
in this city, where father died in '72, mother still living.
John attended the Mt. Pleasant schools and was a stu-
dent of the B. Y. Academy at Provo. He
taught school in Indianola and Mt. Pleasant and was
principal for one year at Redmond. In February, 1897,
he entered the post office and has given general satisfac-
tion. He is a stockholder in the Queen City Roller Mills,
owns his residence in the city and has and interest in a
business block on Main street. Is an active member of
the Mormon church.
Rolph, M. G., proprietor Mt. Pleasant Cigar Factory,
son of Mous and Bengta, was born in Sweden De-
cember 21, 1851. The family came to Mt. Pleasant
by ox-traln in 1856. At the age of 19 he engaged in the
mercantile business with his brother, N. A., who died in
New York City in 1886. He continued the business till
1892, when he sold out and purchased sheep, wliich ven-
ture was not a success. July 15, 1896, he opened his pres-
ent cigar facton", where he employs two men and does a
good business. His brands are Queen City Gem, San-
pete Famous, Peerless and Honest Five.
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Mt. Pleasant Pyramid 1990 |
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