Our 23rd Annual Utah Humanities Book Festival
Many thanks to everyone has attended initial events for our first-ever entirely virtual book festival! We have many events coming up next week and invite you to add them to your calendar and join us.
This 2020 book festival is our first-ever entirely virtual festival (via Zoom) and features scores of events, authors, and conversations in six categories.
September 28 | 7 PM | Books of the 19th Century Join Reid Moon of Moon's Rare Books as he shares some literary treasures from the time of Louisa May Alcott. You will get to see some rare first editions and some examples of children's and adult books of bygone days. Zoom link. September 28 | 7 PM | Sadie Hoagland and Sian Griffiths Sadie Hoagland is author of American Grief in Four Stages, a collection of stories that imagines trauma as a space in which language fails us and narrative escapes us. Siân Griffiths, author of The Heart Keeps Faulty Time, spins the familiar on its heels in ten short stories brimming with captivating imagery. Join us for a reading and Q&A. Zoom link.
September 29 | 7 PM | Poetry Reading with Rob Carney and Ken Waldman There's a lunatic logic at work in Rob Carney's Facts & Figures from the opening section of thirteen facts to the final pages inspired by Christopher Smart, the 18th-century poet locked away in an asylum with his cat. Ken Waldman's Sports Page transports us from the field to the press box to our own personal spaces, where we battle invisible ghosts and unlikely dreams and, sometimes, we lose. Join us for a reading and Q&A. Zoom link. September 29 | 7 PM | Best Books for Book Clubs Weber Book Links is excited to host our annual Best Books for Book Clubs. Learn how to choose thought provoking titles for your book club on topics sure to spark lively debate. Catch up on the best books published this year and become versed on great discussion guide resources. Zoom link. September 30 | 5:30 PM | Nature's Best Hope Recent headlines about global insect declines, the impending extinction of one million species worldwide, and three billion fewer birds in North America are a bleak reality check about how ineffective our current landscape designs have been at sustaining the plants and animals that sustain us. Join Swaner Preserve and Ecocenter and Doug Tallamy, author of Nature's Best Hope, for a conversation about the simple steps we can take to improve our ecosystems. Zoom link.
October 1 | 7 PM | Meg and Jo We are delighted to have New York Times best-selling and award-winning author Virginia Kantra join us from her home this evening to discuss her modern retelling of the story of the two eldest March girls, Meg and Jo. Zoom link. October 1 | 7 PM | Shira Dentz and Adam Davis Shira Dentz is author of SISYPHUSINA is a cross-genre collection of prose, poetry, visual art, and improvisatory music, centered on female aging. Adam O. Davis is author of Index of Haunted Houses, a book of ghost stories. Join us for a reading and Q&A with the authors. Zoom link. October 2 | 7 PM | University of Utah Black Cultural Center presents Maaza Mengiste A gripping novel set during Mussolini's 1935 invasion of Ethiopia,The Shadow King takes us back to the first real conflict of World War II, casting light on the women soldiers who were left out of the historical record. Join us for a reading and Q&A with Maaza Mengiste. Zoom link.
October 2 | 7 PM | Cliff Notes Writing Conference presents Dianne Oberhansly The Cliff Notes Writing Conference is excited to host fiction writer Dianne Nelson Oberhansly for a reading and Q&A about their work. She is the author of A Brief History of Male Nudes in America, which received the 1992 Flannery O'Connor Award for Short Fiction. Zoom Link. October 2 | 7 PM | Virtual Coyote Tales Coyote Tales and storytellers from Kayenta and across the nation are joining forces to bring you a remarkable evening of storytelling. Tonight, we will entertain you online with stories to make you laugh or cry or both. Zoom link. October 3 | 2 PM | Furia We're delighted to announce a virtual event with Yamile Saied Martinez discussing her new book, Furia in an interview with Christian McKay Heidicker. Furia was recently selected by Reese Witherspoon as her second ever Reese's Book Club YA Pick! Zoom Link.
October 3 | 6 PM | Newbery Film Festival The 90-Second Newbery Film Festival is an annual video contest in which kid filmmakers create short movies that tell the entire stories of Newbery award-winning books in about 90 seconds. This year you will be able to enjoy the film festival from the comfort of your home! Zoom link. October 3 | 7 PM | Cliff Notes Writing Conference presents David Lee The Cliff Notes Writing Conference is excited to host David Lee, author of Mine Tailings. The first poet laureate of Utah, Lee received the Utah Governor's Award for lifetime achievement in the arts. Zoom link.
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