The information below is taken from Family Search:
Charles Washington Averett was born 13 July 1836 in Marion, Perry, Alabama to Jeduthun Hardy and Holly Jane tingle Averett. His parents were married in Marion County, Alabama in 1836. They had five children, but the two girls died. His father was baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1833. They family left Alabama and arrived in Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois in 1845 just shortly after the Prophet and his brother were martyred in Carthage,Illinois. They bought property but were never able to build one it. They received their endowments in the Nauvoo Temple in January 1846 just days before the main body of Saints were expelled from Nauvoo. While they were camped on the banks of the Missouri River, the government approached Brigham Young to provide some 500 soldiers to help in the war with Mexico. Brigham felt that the money they would receive would help the Saints get to where they wanted to go. Jeduthun was 28 years old and an experienced traveler and frontiersman. He joined the Mormon Battalion assigned to Company D under the command of Captain Nelson Higgens. He left his family there with the promise that the Church would take care of them.
He went with the company as far as Santa Fe, New Mexico, enduring many hardships as they were all marching on foot. He became very sick and had to sent with others to Pueblo, Colorado, where he spent the winter. He heard that his wife and family by now were in Salt Lake,so he traveled there and found that they were still back in Iowa. He went back there and found them. They stayed in Kanesville, Iowa for five years. They left with an Unknown Company in 1852.
Charles was baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on 1 July 1846 at the age of nine, after they had been driven from Nauvoo. He was 16 years old when they came to the Utah Territory. He received his endowments in the Endowment House in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake, Utah Territory at the age of 21 on 9 February 1858. He married Elizabeth Coates on 28 February 1860 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah Territory at the age of 23. Elizabeth was 17 years old when they married.
Elizabeth was born 10 December 1842 in Chesterfield, Derbyshire, England to Joseph and Ann Dutton Coates Jr. She was seven years old when they emigrated to America coming through New Orleans, Louisiana. They traveled to the Utah Territory with the James Jeppson Company in 1852. Her father Joseph was 38; her mother Ann was 35; Susannah was 15; George was 12;Elizabeth was 9; and twins Thomas and William were 2.
They departed on 29 May 1852 with 173 individuals and 32 wagons in the company which began its journey from the outfitting post at Kanesville, Iowa (present day Council Bluffs). Buffalo were plentiful on the plains, however they only killed two for meat. Buffalo chips (dung) made great fuel to cook with. They often would encounter people going east of business or missionaries going out. They had no deaths from Cholera, although it was prevalent on the trail. It took them three months to cross the plains, they lost only three people to death. As they arrived in Salt Lake City. Citizens would pass out musk mellon for them to eat. They arrived in the Salt Lake valley on 10 September 1852. Elizabeth was baptized on 18 December 1853 into the Church at the age of eleven. After they got to the Salt Lake valley they had two more children born there. By 1857 they had moved to Mount Pleasant, Sanpete, Utah Territory where theirlast child was born. Elizabeth was the second of 15 children born to them. Her father died in 1865 in Mount Pleasant, Sanpete, Utah Territory.
They were the first to homestead in the Mount Pleasant area. They built home shortly after they got there. He help to construct a threshing machine in 1861 and brought it to Mt. Pleasant. He served in the Black Hawk War. Charles and Elizabeth had 14 children born to them, eight of them living to adulthood. Charles Washington Jr. was born 26 February 1862;William Alma was born 2 June 1863; Thomas J. was born 20 September 1864 and died 17 September 1865; and Ann Elizabeth was born 13 April 1865. They moved to Santaquin, Utah, Utah Territory for a short time where the next two children were born. Twins Joseph and Hyrum were born on 26 December 1867. Joseph died on 17 February 1868 and Hyrum died 27 August 1869.
They moved back to Mount Pleasant where the rest of the children were born. Mary Ellen was born 14 January 1871; John Albert was born 26 June 1871 and died the same day. Caroline Adelia was born 16 January 1877; Clarence Franklin was born 7 January 1879; Alice Adlate was born 29 July 1882 and died 16 September 1882; and James was born 6 February 1884. Elizabeth died on 25 April 1891 in Mount Pleasant at the age of 48. Her youngest child was seven. She was buried in Mount Pleasant, Sanpete,Utah Territory. Charles married Emily Seely on 1 October 1891 in Mount Pleasant, Sanpete,Utah Territory. They did not have any children. He was 55 and she was 45. She died on 30 November 1924 in Mount Pleasant, Sanpete,Utah. Charles died on 12 February 1926 in Emmett, Gem, Idaho at the age of 89. He was buried on 17 February 1926 in Mount Pleasant, Sanpete, Utah. His son John Albert was living in Emmett so he was probably living with him at the time of his death.
Elizabeth Coates was born on 10 December 1842 in Chesterfield, Derbyshire, England to Joseph and Ann Dutton Coates Jr. She was six years old when they emigrated to America coming through New Orleans, Louisiana.
Her family traveled to the Utah Territory with the James Jeppson Company in 1852. Her father Joseph was 38; her mother Ann was 35; Susannah was 15; George was 12; Elizabeth was 9; and twins Thomas and William were 2.
They departed on 29 May 1852 with 173 individuals and 32 wagons in the company which began its journey from the outfitting post at Kanesville, Iowa (present day Council Bluffs). Buffalo were plentiful on the plains, however they only killed two for meat. Buffalo chips(dung) made great fuel to cook with. They often would encounter people going east on business or missionaries going out. They had no deaths from Cholera, although it was prevalent on the trail.
It took them three months to cross the plains, they lost only three people to death. As they arrived in Salt Lake City citizens would pass out musk melon for them to eat. They arrived in the Salt Lake valley on 10 September 1852. Elizabeth was baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on 18 December 1853 at the age of eleven. By 1857 her family had moved to Mount Pleasant, Sanpete, Utah Territory where their last child was born. Elizabeth was the second of 15 children born to them.Her father died in 1865 in Mount Pleasant, Sanpete, Utah Territory.
She married Charles Washington Averett on 28 February 1860 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah Territory at the age of 17. He was 23 years old when they married. Charles Washington Averett was born 13 July 1836 in Marion, Perry,Alabama to Jeduthun Hardy and Holly Jane tingle Averett.
His parents were married in Marion County, Alabama in 1836. They had five children, but the two girls died. His father was baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1833. They family left Alabama and arrived in Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois in 1845 just shortly after the Prophet and his brother were martyred in Carthage,Illinois. They bought property but were never able to build on it.They received their endowments in the Nauvoo Temple in January 1846 just days before the main body of Saints were expelled from Nauvoo. While they were camped on the banks of the Missouri River, the government approached Brigham Young to provide some 500 soldiers to help in the war with Mexico. Brigham felt that the money they would receive would help the Saints get to where they wanted to go. Jeduthun was 28 years old and an experienced traveler and frontiersman. He joined the Mormon Battalion assigned to Company D under the command of Captain Nelson Higgens. He left his family there with the promise that the Church would take care of them. He went with the company as far as Santa Fe, New Mexico, enduring many hardships as they were all marching on foot. He became very sick and had to sent with others to Pueblo, Colorado, where he spent the winter. He heard that his wife and family by now were in Salt Lake,so he traveled there and found that they were still back in Iowa. He went back there and found them. They stayed in Kanesville, Iowa for five years. They left with an Unknown Company in 1852. Charles was baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on 1 July 1846 at the age of nine, after they had been driven from Nauvoo. He was 16 years old when they came to the Utah Territory. He received his endowments in the Endowment House in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake, Utah Territory at the age of 21 on 9 February 1858.
Charles and Elizabeth were the first to homestead in the Mount Pleasant area. They built home shortly after they got there. He help to construct a threshing machine in 1861 and brought it to Mt. Pleasant, Sanpete,Utah Territory. He served in the Black Hawk War. Charles and Elizabeth had 14 children born to them, eight of them living to adulthood. Charles Washington Jr. was born 26 February 1862;William Alma was born 2 June 1863; Thomas J. was born 20 September 1864 and died 17 September 1865; and Ann Elizabeth was born 13 April 1865.They moved to Santaquin, Utah, Utah Territory for a short time where the next two children were born. Twins Joseph and Hyrum were born on 26 December 1867. Joseph died on 17 February 1868 and Hyrum died 27 August 1869. They moved back to Mount Pleasant where the rest of the children were born. Mary Ellen was born 14 January 1871; John Albert was born 26 June 1871 and died the same day. Caroline Adelia was born 16 January 1877; Clarence Franklin was born 7 January 1879; Alice Adlate was born 29 July 1882 and died 16 September 1882; and James was born 6 February 1884.
Elizabeth died on 25 April 1891 in Mount Pleasant at the age of 48. Her youngest child was seven. She was buried in Mount Pleasant, Sanpete,Utah Territory. Charles married Emily Seely on 1 October 1891 in Mount Pleasant, Sanpete,Utah Territory. They did not have any children. He was 55 and she was 45. She died on 30 November 1924 in Mount Pleasant, Sanpete, Utah. Charles died on 12 February 1926 in Emmett, Gem, Idaho at the age of 89. He was buried on 17 February 1926 in Mount Pleasant, Sanpete, Utah. His son John Albert was living in Emmett so he was probably living with him at the time of his death.
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