In November (1862), myself, C. W. Anderson,Hans Peter Jessen, James Larsen Sr., George Tuft, Ransom Stevens, Jordan Brady and others started for Ruby Valley in Nevada with oats to be delivered on President Brigham Young's contract to the Overland Stage Stations.
We journeyed south to the Sevier River, near Gunnison, where we camped, and James Larsen took sick. We traveled the following day to Scipio and he remained in the same condition. Here, we thought it best to have him return as we arranged for a man to assist him home, taking his load with us and journeying onward. Below Deseret where we forded the river, the water was very deep and swift and we came nearly losing our teams, wagons and all . We, however, reached Ruby Valley safely and were not disturbed by the Indians.
Myself and a few others took our loads over the Diamond Mountain to Deseret Springs, where there was another station. Returning we joined those who were waiting for us and then started back for home, arriving at our camp on the Sevier River. Mads Peter Jessen took sick and was taken home with us where he died a few days later and on arriving home we learned that James Larsen had also died.
November 21st, the 66 Quorum of Seventies was organized at a meeting held in the home of John Tidwell, Sr. Seventy of the brothers were chosen and we were ordained Seventies,out of which seven of the number were chosen as Presidents, viz: Henry McArthur, P.M. Peel, Peter Monsen, N. P. Madsen, Levi B. Reynolds, Orange Seely and Nelson Tidwell.
At this time the Salt Lake Theatre was completed and open for the public. It was the largest theatre building at this time west of the Mississippi River, being 144 feet long and 80 feet wide.

A white adobe building was being erected on the south side of the church block and was being built by assessment. Each one of the families were assessed $20.00. The work was rushed and the building was hastened for completion before the winter set in.
On the 7th day of December it being completed, a meeting was called and the same was dedicated under the name of "Social Hall". The program consisted of singing and the dedicatory prayer was rendered by Elder David Candland. Remarks and short entertaining speeches were made by Elders, J.K. McClenahan, David Candland, Bishop Seely and Duncan McArthur.
A.J. Forsythe was acting as Church Recorder.
Brigham Young |
April 26th, 1863, President Brigham Young in company with a number of the twelve Apostles of the Church, viz: Heber C. Kimball,George A. Smith, John Taylor, and Lorenzo Snow, visited us. In the morning at 9 o'clock the people gathered at the Social Hall, which was not half large enough to accommodate the congregation, so the meeting was held on the outside of the building. The saints were first addressed by John Taylor and Lorenzo Snow, who in cheering language encouraged the Saints to go forward and serve the Lord and to make themselves comfortable and happy, after which President Young addressed in a fatherly manner, giving much good advice , especially regarding schools and the bringing up of children, building homes and planting gardens and encouraged the Saints to stand steadfast to the faith.
The meeting was brought to a close by singing and prayer and the President and his company at once started for Manti, via Spring City and Ephraim.
Perry McArthur having resigned the position of Bishop's Councilor February 8th, Justus Wellington Seely was at this time appointed to fill the vacancy. David Candland was appointed Church Recorder, relieving A.J. Forsythe.
Heber C. Kimball |
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