The following should have been posted late January, but was accidentally left in the "draft" file:
In this segment, Andrew tells us how land and water was allotted.
He also share the activities at A Grand Celebration on July 24th 1862.

Andrew Madsen Sr.
May 11, 1862 a committee consisting of Peter Monsen, Joseph Clemens and Amasa Tucker was appointed to see that the public fence was repaired above the field.
On account of the scarcity of water, a meeting was called and it was agreed to build a canal from Fairview down through our field. It was surveyed by Abraham Day, Companies of ten were organized and foremen appointed to oversee the work. I was foreman over the first section.
The water was taken out just below Fairview. The terminus of the canal was in the field south of the county road, leading to Moroni and crossing at a point about one and one fourth miles below the City.
The using of the Sanpitch waters was later discontinued on account of the objection made by the settlers of Moroni. The upper part of the canal now furnishes the water power for the Fairview Roller Mill, while the lower end of the canal is used in diverting the waters south from Pleasant Creek.
A dispute now arose over the free-for-all, helping ourselves to the wild hay, which grew in the lowlands between Moroni and Ephraim, everyone grabbing for the best and no particular attention was given to its irrigation.
Owing to this trouble President Orson Hyde saw fit to have a division made and allotments given to each settlement. A committee was appointed consisting of the Bishops of Mt. Pleasant, Spring City, Moroni, Ephraim and Wales, all of whom were interested. Allotments were given to each. We at once held a meeting for the purpose of determining how we were to make the division among ourselves of the part which had been allotted us.
Jacob Christensen, Peter Monsen, C. P. Anderson and myself were chosen to survey and stake the land off into lots. This was a difficult task. We first obtained the number of lots it would require, then we went over the land and determined its value and the amount of hay it produced and made the division accordingly, ranging from five to eight acres to the lot, and then there was a drawing for the lots.
July 24th, 1862
A committee on arrangements was chosen consisting of George Farnworth, Levi B. Reynolds, Wm. W. Morrel, Neils H. Burrison, James Chapman, J.K. McClenaham and myself, with John L. Ivie acting Marshal of the day.
The Bowery was covered over with a fresh lot of green limbs brought from the mountains. A program was arranged and everything being in readiness, the people gathered together in the morning at the time appointed.
Services were opened with singing and prayer. The first on the Programme was an oration rendered by Elder Duncan McArthur, of which the following is in part.
"Brothers and Sisters, it seems to have fallen my lot to address you today, and although I am sensible of my weakness and inability, I am always willing to do my part when called upon by those in authority over me.
I am glad of having the privilege of meeting with the Saints on this the thirteenth Anniversary day (?) when the Apostles and Prophets landed in Utah, led by inspiration, leaving their temporary homes in Iowa and by the direction of God, came to these valleys in the mountains.
I compare this congregation with the one assembled in Kirtland, when they started the Temple, which stands as a monument today. The persecution and driving of the Saints from County to County and from State to State and at last from their beautiful city, Nauvoo, where they had been persecuted and driven by the enemy and their Prophet and leader, Joseph Smith and his brother, Hyrum were killed. By the hand of God, the Saints were then led to these valleys. We are now permitted to assemble in peace and safety and enjoy the blessings that God has extended us. Many of us have been in these valleys thirteen years. All this time have we not lived in the enjoyment of peace and great fortune? During this time, it is true, Uncle Sam , through false rumor and false representation of Judges and others, placed here by the Government, accusing Brigham Young and the Saints of destroying public records, sent an army here for the purpose of destroying us. But did he do it? No. Here the wisdom of God moved upon them and instead of his efforts to injure us, they did us good. We furnished the soldiers with supplies, assisted them in building up Camp Floyd. Much clothing and gold and silver was distributed among us for our services and supplies. They were a blessing, giving those who wished to leave us a chance and thus ridding thousands other difficulties the Saints have passed through. No wonder that we have been tried and prepared that in future day we might rejoice in the fullness of all glory.
Hail to the land of Columbia, mey the time soon come when righteous principles may again be established and the Lion of the Lord roar from the East to the West".
2nd. Remarks by J.K. McClenaham:
Touching upon the day of celebration,the landing of the saints in Zion and predicting that the time would come when the bare mention of this great day will carry terror to the hearts of all the enemies of the Saints of God."
3rd. Toast by Duncan McArthur:
"Mt. Pleasant, May she become a plant of renown in the midst of the cities of Israel; noble and daring in all her deeds of righteousness."
4th. Toast by A.J. Forsythe.
"Brigham Young, the chosen of the Lord. When the Lion roar the beasts of the forests tremble."
5th. Toast by James H. Tidwell:
"The City of Mt. Pleasant, May she shine a Star of Brilliant Light."
6th. Toast by George Farnworth:
"May the people of Mt. Pleasant, like the parts of a well-made machine, 'All work together!'"
7th. Toast by James Wilson:
"Governor Alfred Cummings, May he continue to be what he always has been, ' A Friend."
8th. Toast by George Farnworth:
"May Mt.Pleasant be noted throughout the world for Ingenuity and Industry."
9th. Toast by Asa S. Hawley:
"The Tree of Liberty. May its branches spread until they cover the whole earth."
10. Toast by A.J. Forsyth:
"Young Sam, the disinherited boy, who whipped his Uncle, may he ever stand fast in the line of his duty."
The services then closed with singing and prayer. The afternoon was taken up in amusements followed with a dance in the evening and was one of the most enjoyable times ever held by the Pioneers.
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