Sunday, February 28, 2010

Female Relief Society - - - July 12th, 1875

Meeting held July 12, 1875.  Opened by singing "Come all Ye Saints Who Dwell on  Earth."  Prayer by Sister Madsen.   Singing "Redeemer of Israel".  Minutes of the last meeting were read and accepted.  Sister Madsen thought we had all come here for one purpose and that was to do the will of God.  She was willing that everything should go for the upbuilding of His Kingdom.  Said Sister Morrison had sent money to Salt Lake for Silk Worms.  She spoke in behalf of a sister who is sick and in need of assistance.  Sister Peel felt glad to see so many of the sisters together and thought it showed that the sisters were more united and that the meetings were becoming more interesting and that the sisters would have better feelings toward each other when they came together and heard each other's feelings.  Several of the Danish sisters spoke in their own language, all feeling well.  Sister Morrison addressed the meeting and thanked the sisters for their kindness toward her and said it strengthens her to mingle her testimony with those of her sisters.  Katherine Jessen was admitted as a member of the society.  Clarissa Beckstead was appointed teacher in the third ward.  Singing "Oh My Father Thou That ....etc.  Prayer by Sister Peel,

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