Hans Christian Davidson
On page 92 of the Mt. Pleasant History by Hilda Madsen Longsdorf, she briefly mentions that H.C. Davidson had moved to town with his family and "erected an astrometer on his lot." The location was "west side of State, southwest corner of intersection of First North." I googled "H.C. Davidson" and "astronomy" and I discovered a blog entitled "Hans Christian Davidson and
Descendants". http://hcdavidson.blogspot.com/
Here I found out quite a bit about Mr. H.C. Davidson. Hans Christian Davidson was born in Horup, Alsen Island, Schleswig, Holstein, Denmark. H.C. and his wife Annie Marie Jensen came across the plains to Utah in 1858. In 1866 the family moved to Mt. Pleasant where H.C. was the first dentist and also the first newspaper editor. He studied astronomy and made a perpetual calendar.
In the years 1876-77, during which time E.A. Day was teaching in Mt. Pleasant, Davidson, was asked to lecture to his pupils. His talks and illustrations proved very interesting and beneficial. Mr. Davidson was always eager and willing to be of help at any time.
"H.C. Davidson's sons, Lorenzo and Amasa Davidson attended the first Presbyterian school, now known as Wasatch Academy, founded here in 1875 by Dr. Duncan J. McMillan. The school was first conducted in an old dance hall which was converted by McMillan into a school and church. This building still stands on Main Street as one of the land marks of the early pioneer days, and is now the meeting hall of the Masonic Lodge."
"They moved to Birch Creek in 1879 and lived there until Mrs. Davidson died, May 2, 1886, after which they moved back into town. The farm was sold to James C. Meiling of Mt. Pleasant. Davidson remarried a few years later to a widow from Ephraim."
"During these early years, there was no dentist of course, so Mr. and Mrs. Davidson did their best to take one’s place and pulled teeth for people, using the old fashioned turn-keys, which we still have with the relics. Mr. Davidson was also the first printer in Mt. Pleasant, and did job printing up until the time of his death in 1891, making him seventy-one years old. "
"We know several prominent men of Utah who tell us that it was Hans C. Davidsen's lectures that inspired them to make great efforts for success. It remains for us as his progeny to carry on the work that he started, honoring and revering him for his high faith and courage to battle against big odds. May we not be found wanting." by Sarah Davidson Wilcox, Daughter of Hans Christion Davidson.