Monday, July 31, 2017

From the Alice Hafen Collection ~ Beautification Plea 1963

In this 1963 picture you can see the old service station that stood east of old Dry Cleaners at 107 west main.  You can also see in the distance the Ursenbach Funeral Home and   Eldon Beck's Appliance Repair to the west. 

Monday, July 24, 2017

Past and Modern Pioneers

24th of July ~~ Mt. Pleasant  1859  (taken from History of Mt. Pleasant pp 54-55

Although the pioneers had plenty of hard work, problems and
trials, they also made their joys and amusements.
A few days prior to the 24th of July which marked the 12th anniversary of the arrival of the first group of pioneers into Salt Lake Valley, the people of Mount Pleasant assembled and ar­ranged for a grand celebration. Much time and pains were taken in arranging the program and the dinner. A bowery 40 by 60 feet, built of cedar posts, placed upright holding as a shed, and covered with fresh green willows and limbs, was erected in the southwest corner of the fort. Pitch pine wood, to furnish light for the dance and the amusement in the evening, was brought from the mountains by John Waldermar and Christian Widergren An­derson.

On the morning of July 24th, salutes were fired at daybreak and drums were beat. At 9 a. m., the people gathered at the bowery. The program began with singing by the choir. (James Hansen was choir leader at that time.) The invocation was offered by Bishop William S. Seeley; there followed spirited speeches, music, vocal and instrumental, recitations, etc., until one o'clock, when an abundant meal was served. At 3 p.m., everything was cleared away for the amusements and dancing, which continued until 2 o'clock in the morning of the 25th, and with the rhythm of the music, and on the bare ground they really did dance. This cele­bration was characterized all the way through by the harmony and good feeling that prevailed among the people.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Miscellaneous Photos From the Relic Home

Judith Planted Hollyhocks last year but they didn't amount to much.

 This Year they are growing Strong. 
I love Hollyhocks.  My Grandmother Mimi had hollyhocks and raspberries in her back yard.

Cute kids from our 4th Grade  saying "Cheese" ~
 4th Graders on the stairs waiting to be told about our Relic Home.
 4th Graders in the Blacksmith Shop 
 Fourth Graders Playing Games on the back lawn.
More gamers.

Orgill Marker at the Cemetery

Rudolphus Bennet Marker

Winters Marker

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Eagle Gate ~ Salt Lake City, Utah

Colored reproduction in watercolor effects from original photograph
by Chas. S. Savage

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Ole Hansen and Barton Brothers Cremery 1892

It stood where Wasatch Academy Arts Studio Stands now 

Snippets about the creamery taken from History of Mt. Pleasant by Hilda Madsen Longsdorf 

Ole Hansen and the Barton Brothers organized a Creamery Company, which was the first in Mt. Pleasant, and the third in the Territory. History of Mt. Pleasant p 172, Longsdorf 

"The Mount Pleasant Creamery has been running more pleas­antly for the milk producers than for the stockholders. A gentle man interested therein states that they had found out that unless a sufficient supply of milk could be procured, a creamery could not be a financial success.  History of Mt. Pleasant p 179, Longsdorf 

Borg and Ole Clemen­sen had a harness shop near the Beaumann home, and Abner Crane had a blacksmith shop near where the Crane home is now. Ole Hansen and Kimber Barton had a fine creamery where the hotel is now. James Burns was the sheriff and Thomas Braby was marshal. Mr. Oman drove the mail wagon. John Fredrick Fechser ran the mill.
Things have changed since 1890, "we have automobiles now," said Mr. Web Green.
History of Mt. Pleasant p 324,  Longsdorf  (1935)

Some of the early Main Street stores which need only be men­tioned in passing, were Brown & Acord, the creamery stations managed by Peter Matson and Ole Hansen, and James B. Porter's book store a block east; Tarvey's notion store, Arrowsmith notion store, Aldrich Brothers in the Progress Building, W. O. Ash & Company, Hardware, which started as a tin shop and developed into a leading hardware store, located in part of the building used by the Consolidated Furniture Company. History of Mt. Pleasant p 329  Longsdorf  

Monday, July 17, 2017

"Let My People Go" Florence Bagnal ~~ 1917

the communists dream of a world empire.  They have promised to destroy us and they mean it. Let my story bring full realization of what it would be like to be the loser.Captain Nick Lalich, Central Intelligence Officer in the book wired Mrs. Bagnall his congratulations. 

Saturday, July 15, 2017

July 2017 Lace Display

Most of the items shown in our display were crafted by the above Morrison, Ericksen and Peel Ancestors 

 Dress of Wilhelmina Morrison Ericksen

 Wall and Couch Display of Various Laces 
 Bobbin Lace Display 

Our Bobbin Lace display is original to the Museum.  

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Peel Items ~ From the Alice Peel Hafen Collection

Mrs M. P. Oman was Mary Miranda Seely Peel Oman 
History of Mary Miranda Seely Peel Oman can be found here:;postID=1924175962041899747;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=1;src=link

and here:

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Emma Frandsen Lamont

The Lamont Building, 126 West Main, was built in 1912 by Ras Frandsen. It was called "Lamont" because Emma F. Lamont operated the Millinery and Ladies Ready-to-Wear Shop.

The Lamont building is to the far right.