Sunday, October 29, 2017

James Seymour Jensen (taken from Jensen Legacy ~ written by Seymour's daughters)

Jensen, Seymour 1

Jensen, Seymour 2

Jensen, Seymour 3

Jensen, Seymour 4

Jensen, Seymour 5

Jensen, Seymour 6Jensen, Seymour 7

Jensen, Seymour 8

Jensen, Seymour 9

James passed away on August 21 1989, at age 93 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States.

 He was buried in August 1989, in Mount Pleasant City Cemetery, Mount Pleasant, Utah, United States

Friday, October 20, 2017

ASSORTED PHOTOS from the Alice Peel Hafen Collection (three unknown)

(on back:  Uncle John Peel's Wife)
Esther Matson 

Superintendent A.E. Jones
North Sanpete 



Thursday, October 19, 2017


WARNING:  This history is incomplete.  If you have the rest of his biography, please let us know.  This is all we have in our archives. 


Scovil 1_edited
Scovil 2_edited

                  Died  in Springville, Utah, Utah, United Statesmap

This history is found at the Relic Home.  It is incomplete.  However, Other resources can be found on line including the following: 

Scovil, Lucius Nelson
