Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Pioneer Recipes

Starch Cake Granma Peel Oman
(Alice Hafen)

6 egg yolks (7 if small eggs)
1 Cup sugar
3/4 cup potato starch
1/2 tsp baking powder
well beaten egg whites

Mix the egg yolks, sugar and potato starch. Fold in the beaten egg whites.
Bake in 325 degree oven for 1 hour
Sprinkle a little sugar over the top

Potato Starch

When we had left over potatoes in the spring, we'd peel and grate them, and
put them in water and kind of wash them around. The starch would go to the
bottom. Then we would drain the water and put the starch on a sheet to dry
in the sun. And that was our potato starch. Today you can buy potato starch. ???


Carolyn said...

Can anyone tell me where the original fort stood? My great great grandmother was one of the first to have a home outside of the fort because she was liked by the local native americans. Her name was Sarah Libby Scovil, one of Lucus Scovil's wives, and a midwife. She lived in Mt. Pleasant with her children while Lucus lived in Springville with another wife. We were told the fort may have been where the cemetary is now and the adobe walls are still there.

Kathy Rigby Hafen said...

Carolyn, The fort was located on the east side of State Street and the north Side of Main. It covered a full block's area. Pleasant Creek ran through the middle of the fort. Another fort was built a block north for the cattle.

Carolyn said...

So where the old armory and the old Lowery's Cafe is......thanks. I wish I knew exactly where my great great grandmother lived. What a woman.

Carolyn said...

Thank you. So where the old armory is....that block. I wish I knew exactly where my great great grandmother lived. What a strong woman.