Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Do They Miss Me At Home?

This is one of Mary Margaret Farquhar Cruickshank Morrison Poems. She joined the LDS Church in Scotland and came to the United States with her husband, William; knowing she would never be able to return to her homeland and parents again.

Do they miss me at home, do they miss me?
It would be an assurance most dear
To know at this moment, some loved ones
Were saying, "I wish she were here."
To know that the group at the fireside
Were thinking of me as I roam.
Oh Yes t'would be a joy beyond measure
To know that they miss me at home.

When the twilight approaches the season
That ever is sacred to song
Does someone repeat my name over
And say that I tarry too long.
Or is there a chord in the music
That is missed when my voice away.

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