Tuesday, October 27, 2009

FEMALE RELIEF SOCIETY - - - April 6, 1874

Meeting Held in Social Hall
April 6th, 1874

Opened by singing and prayer by Sister Simpson.  Minutes of a former meeting were read and approved of.

Sister  Morrison expressed her gratitude to all present for assembling together with such a good influence.  Then she called for the Visiting Teachers to give in their reports, and let us hear how the people feel.

The teachers accordingly gave favourable reports; few wants among the poor.  Sister Tregore is in need of assistance.  Brother C. Anderson to pay the  Dr. 3.50 but not able to do so.  The Society agreed to pay it in Flower (flour).

Several of the sisters made a few remarks and espressed themselves freely.  Sister Morrison spoke to the mothers to teach their little ones to pray.  Let them grow up in the fear of the Lord and pure and holy before Him; for God will in a measure hold us responsible for them.  And in regard to the U. O (United Order), let us be faithful and true to our calling.  For God requireth nothing more than we can perform.  Also, spoke about our Meeting House being in such a dirty and filthy condition and grieved to think that a place of worship should be kept in such a way.  A vote was called for; that we should clean it.  It was responded to. 

Closed by singing , prayer by Sister Peterson.

M F. Morrison, President
E. Wallis, Secretary

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