Friday, August 9, 2024

Hamilton School 4th Grade ~~~Mina Hasler Teacher


If you double click the photograph to enlarge it, you can see numbers written on each individual.
(the following is written on the back of the photo.)

Front Row L to R: 1. Afton Zabriskie 2.????3. Madsen, 4. Anderson, 5. Lovell, 6. Tidwell, 7. Jensen, 8. Seely, 9. Maiben, 10. Christensen, 11. Myberg, 12. Christensen, 13. Myberg, 14. Anderson, 15. Seely, 16. Boyden, 17. Gunderson, 18. Haylee Ivie, 19. Abraham Burton, 20. Douglas Gunderson, 21. Hugh Barton, 22. Rhoda Jorgensen, 23. Vivian Pritchett, 24. Katie Erickson, 25. Anna Olsen, 26. Romero, 27. Montell Winkler, 28. Margaret Thompson, 29. Vera Poulsen, 30. Traunturine, 31. Hazel Poulsen, 32. Draper, 33. Alpha Madsen, 34. Leora Draper, 35. Eula Seely, 36. MelbaAldrich, 37. Christal Rosenlof, 38. Joseph Larsen, 39. Raymond Naef, 40. Cyril Fowles, 41. Merril Zabriski, 42. Mina Hasler, 43. Anderson, 44. Lawrence Johansen, 45. Hicks, 46. Virgil Bramstead.

Comment from Lee Christensen:: If you haven't dated Mina Hasler's 4th grade class you might check this computation: Margaret Thompson is there. She was a long time teacher at Wasatch , a local girl, and graduated from there 1917. Going back 12 years is 1905 plus grade 4 is 1909. I'll pull up the 1910 census and see how many of these students are there as age 11. This is about as advanced in math as I get. CL Stewart the principal and upper level math teacher ,North Sanpete ,would be disappointed at what little I've carried into my declining years. lee

Short sample confirms my math. Margaret is there age 11, as is Douglas Gunderson age 11, Katie Erickson age 11 Cyril Fowels and Rhoda Jorgensen both lee age 11..

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