Thursday, September 26, 2024


Remelda Gibson Tooele, Utah First Place Poetry Professional Division

 Despite the disadvantages of ups and downs and ills, the dauntless pioneers built towns In Sanpete County‘s hills (they also built the mills). 

The farmers followed ox and plow to till the sage-brushed land. The women sewed the cloth they spun And scrubbed their clothes by hand (the washboard shed the sand). 

They churned the butter that was used upon the home-baked bread. They cooked the meals on black stoves that were constantly wood-fed (the coals were flaming-red) 

The water for the weekly bath was boiler-heated hot. The tub was small for a grown-up, But, large for tiny-tot (they learned to share a lot). 

Accompanying a mother‘s role In grievous, lengthened labor, The birth of babes was accompanied By midwife or neighbor. (the pain cut like a saber). 

Long-gone courageous pioneers, Immortalized by men, Through fearlessness and bravery Are a boon now as then (and future where and when). 

They walked the plains and pulled handcarts Or trekked a wagon‘s wake. They blazed, endured, and conquered For Sanpete County‘s sake! (their chain will never break!)

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