Meeting held at Social Hall September 7th 1874. Opened by singing and prayer by Sister Peel. Minutes of a former meeting were read and accepted; Sister Morrison made edifying remarks concerning the "New Order"; said if we keep cheerful and happy, keep the good spirit, look at the bright side of the question, do the best we can, it will be all right; let us treat everybody kindly. Sister Peel made some remarks in Danish, and also explained what had been said by Sister Morrison. Two days meetings will be held next month, Saturday and Sunday. Sister Morrison thought it would be nifce to have this meeting house clean and some sweet flowers nicely arranged. It would be cheerful and encouraging. Sister Simpson bore her testimony and felt glad she was where she was. Good Instructions were given in the Danish language by Sisters Franson, Jensen, Bourg, Carlson and Johnson. Sister C. Jensen bore her testimony and said she endorsed all that had been said and exhorted us to put into practice what our Presidentess had taught us. Sister Bramstead felt glad that she was permitted to visit the Sisters; all felt well and said, "May God Bless Brother Olser in his endeavours to teach the young to sing. Sister Peterson related a dream which was interesting. It was moved and carried that Matilda Wilcox and Christina M. Madsen were admitted as members in the Female Relief Society. Sister Osler spoke in behalf of the Young Sisters, that they should learn to do nice articles of their own manufacture. The meeting closed by singing and prayer by Sister Peterson.
M.F. Morrison, Pres
E. Wallis, Secretary
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