Monday, April 19, 2010

Female Relief Society November, 1874

Meeting held in Social Hall November 8th, 1874.  Opened with Singing and prayer by Sister Peel.  Minutes of former meeting were read and approved of.  Sister Morrison expressed herself with pleasure at having the opportunity afforded us of assembling together to bear our testimonies and to talk of the principles of the gospel, revealed in the last days.  Also, she talked a little on the "United Order" and said that the Lord will have a tried people.  If we would remember our prayers in private and public, He would give us his spirit to enlighten our minds and give us wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, if we were faithful to the whisperings of the Good Spirit.
Sister Peel also spoke in her own language.  Many of the sisters bore a faithful testimony. Sister Peterson read a singular dream she had which certainly was very instructive.
It was porposed, seconded that Sister Synegore (Syndergaard), Johnson, Mina Madsen, Charlotte Jensen were admitted as teachers of the Visiting Committee.  Meeting closed with prayer by Sister Peterson.
M.F. Morrison, Presidentess
E. Wallis, Secretary

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