Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Mt. Pleasant Pioneer Historical Association Individual Record Book ~ 1915

We recently came across two of these record books that were owned by Wilhelmina Morrison Ericksen.  Apparently they were handed out in 1915 to members of the Mt. Pleasant Pioneer Historical Association who had filled out a genealogy blank for the giant record book which is housed at the Relic Home.  The purpose, as noted below, was to perpetuate a genealogy record from generation to generation.  Also, for the purpose of  gathering a record of ancestry of those who have passed beyond.

I wonder how many of these books have been destroyed....hopefully very few.  If you should come across one and not want it, please donate it to the Relic Home.  If you have one and would like to share the contents of yours,  we would like to keep these record for future generations fulfilling its original purpose.  

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