Meeting held February 4, 1878
Opened by singing and prayer by Sister Peel. Minutes from former meeting were read and accepted. Also donations and disbursements from the last month. The quilts made by the Society were sold for 9# to the Temple. Another quilt was appointed for the same purpose.
After discussions ....... .... to Sister Morrison to address the sisters with the best feelings to meet with the Sisters. Also, she was not able to say much as ........ a bad cold. She had wished the Sisters would all bear their testimony and speak their feelings. Sister Peel .....spoke the Danish language and Sister Josephsen bore a faithful to the Latter Day good and wished with all her heart she was able to do all the good she desired to do.
Sister Jensen also bore a faithful testimony and her only desire was to hold a standing in this church and kingdom(?) in time and eternity, Many of the Sisters spoke their own language and a good spirit prevailed.
Sister Morrison addressed the Sisters to take good care of their little ones and said that the ..... was on hand to take them away, hoped the climate would change and eased so much (?).
Meeting was closed by singing and prayer.
MFC Morrison, President
Louise Hasler, Secretary
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